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  1. #1

    Default Scared of vet runs? CLICK ME

    Are you interested in seeing/ continuing/ completing any of the vet runs but are scared to go in and drag down a group of strangers that you haven't ever/ rarely played with?

    Stop it

    What is causing more pain?
    That you die learning a boss you've never fought... or that 25 players are sitting in Thayd for the 8th day straight because no one wants to be that guy or gal?

    Yes some runs require a little practice, coordination, a bit of investment into gear. None of those are huge hurdles.
    The HARDEST part of going into a new run is that it is new and we're gonna die.

    This is Wildstar Cupcake. WE ALL DIE.

    If you want to see somewhere new with groups that won't tear you apart for wiping, shoot a whisper to Trufflepig, Gingersnaps, Primexhealz, Caos, Droidicus, or McShootie.
    ANY of us (and likely several other names I haven't mentioned) are happy to take new players into content and teach it to you.
    We're all happy to help everyone learn!

    We WILL teach you the fights
    We WON'T tear you apart for failing as you learn

    That said, here are a few simple, optional, things to do to get started:
    ((If you'd rather get your toes wet before committing your entire life savings, that's ok too! There are several dungeon bosses that can be killed in leveling gear))

    For Adventures: Nothing required. Just hop in a group with your leveling gear and hope for RNGesus to bless you with a shiny, well-slotted purple.
    Optional: Get the addon EntSpy (that's a link)

    For dungeons: (An hour and maybe 10 plat total with most going towards your weapon and runes)
    1: Get the addon Interruptor (that's a link) This one in NOT optional

    2: Hit the AH or your local guild Weaponsmith and aquire an Adventus 3 or 4 weapon of your choice that is heavy in your primary DPS stat AND has role-appropriate rune slots (3-4 preferred, 2 minimum)
    - This is the single largest boost to your DPS/ Threat Generation/ Healing and you will not be replacing a 4-slot Adventus 4 with a drop before 20-man content unless you are really lucky. It is easily worth 3-4 plat.
    Guild weaponsmiths that can craft Adventus 4 are: ____ (Chime in folks. I need names!)

    3: Talk to the guild crafters! There are a ton of us now that are able to make the Starshard level 50 gear.
    You can completely skip the gearing-through-adventures-step with a suit of level 49/50 blue crafted.
    Ask the crafter to make each piece with your Assault Power stat as high as possible. Fill in any excess points with crit rating or your crit rating stat.
    Assault power is so much stronger than the others that a piece of crafted gear with 125/3/3 is (usually) more DPS than a more balanced 75/50/50.
    If the crafter has time, materials, and patience you would also like each piece to have 2-3 role-appropriate rune slots.
    Keep it simple now and replace later as you learn more.
    For heavy armor and shields, contact Trufflepig (I'll make you full suits of Tank/ DPS gear for free on request)
    For medium armor, contact Dfib, or ____
    For light armor, contact Gingersnaps, or ____

    4: Review your AMPs. By now you've leveled and likely have a spread of useless points in random places. It's defintely worth dropping 50 gold and tightening everything up. Not 100% necessary for everyone, but can be a huge boost for some.

    5: Rune your new gear!
    Yes. It is expensive. YES it is worth it.
    There is an addon called RuneMaster (that's a link) that can help quite a bit for the planning stage of your runes.
    I'm not familiar with all classes, so you should google-fu the best runes for your class and role choice, but generally you want to get 2-3 sets to the 4-piece bonus before pushing up to the 8/12-piece.
    Do 20 minutes of reading and save yourself several hours of farming for money! I learned that one the hard way.

    Optional Quality of Life stuff
    There's an addon called SassyBuilds (that's a link) that is a HUGE help for most classes. A lot of the time in dungeons, you need specific abilities in different fights. This addon will let you swap around to a preset layout with 2 clicks. It cuts prep time before bosses from 1-2 minutes and a ready check down to 5-10 seconds. HUGE time saver.

    For Storm Talon (vet) you'll want a builds prepped with the following
    - 2 to 3 interrupts (Everyone) - Trash and Boss #1
    - An interrupt and a cleanse (Healer) - Specific trash mobs and miniboss
    - Pure DPS with max mobility (DPS) - Boss #2
    - Interrupts, Mobility, and a CC Break (Everyone) - Storm Talon
    Last edited by Trufflepig; 08-01-2014 at 06:18 PM.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Trufflepig For This Useful Post:

    Ade (08-01-2014), nokt (08-02-2014), RJO (08-01-2014), tabrizia (08-01-2014), Trisity (08-01-2014)

  3. #2
    Feeds the Carry RJO's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scared of vet runs? CLICK ME

    If you read one post on this forums - read this one.

    This attitude shift could well save WildStar for many people.
    - RJO, Officer of AKS
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    Taas Taru, White Mage (FFXIV)
    Currently Playing: FIFA16, Life

    Proud member of the lala master race


  4. #3

    Default Re: Scared of vet runs? CLICK ME

    don't you tell me what to do!

  5. #4
    Knight reddragn87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scared of vet runs? CLICK ME

    Well, I will be sure to hit you up for this...once I get back from my 1 week break lol.

    Thanks Guys!

  6. #5
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    Default Re: Scared of vet runs? CLICK ME

    I cant wait to hit 50 so that I can run these currently at 36 but hopefully will be at 50 by the end of the month

  7. #6

    Default Re: Scared of vet runs? CLICK ME

    Quote Originally Posted by gimpitygump View Post
    I cant wait to hit 50 so that I can run these currently at 36 but hopefully will be at 50 by the end of the month
    I run any of the low stuff as well. I prefer group stuff. Just send a tell sometime!

  8. #7
    Guild Member Slamms's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scared of vet runs? CLICK ME

    I'd like to learn some vet dungeons. I can usually only run things on the weekends though. Would love to get silver screening done before it gets nerfed to bronze.

  9. #8
    Guild Member m3ssi4h's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scared of vet runs? CLICK ME

    Slamms!!! Just ask the guild when your online. There are usually people on who want to do dungeons. If I'm online I'll take you into some dungeons look for 'Troglodyte'



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