ZeroZenX (01-14-2014)
Heh was reading that earlier Tim. An ode to a pillar. 10/10
PSN: zerozenx
I only write dreams down when they'll make a good story, like the man-eating unicorns, or the time I dreamed that I stole a wedge of lime from a fellow patron's beverage at a cafe, was sent corporeally to hell for it, and my cat rescued me by showing me where the demons stored their illicit box of vampire pills so I could blackmail my way out of hell. Journaling is probably a good idea, but I'm lazy.
Miana dreams of not dying in coil
Have you ever had the dream when you are standing on a pyramid, wearing sun god robes and there are a thousand naked woman screaming and throwing little pickles at you?
Nope, that's just you Zro.
PSN: zerozenx
Like gerkins? Hmm I think if all the naked women are sending tiny pickles at you your subconscious is telling you that you have a small wee-wee.