That's what we get for... living the dream amigo.
That's what we get for... living the dream amigo.
PSN: zerozenx
I remember lots of dreams which can be good and bad
When I'm not suffering nicotine withdrawal, I dream about normal things like man-eating unicorns and the mafia.
This ^^^
I've had some dreams sooo real that i've woken up EXTREMELY happy, only to realize they weren't real and in turn cause this odd sense of sadness in real life because my brain truly thought the happy part was real. Same thing vice versa - really hard to explain if never experienced.
I dream pretty much every night. It's weird and uncomfortable when I wake up from a dreamless night. Like what E'hosmer said, it can be good and bad. I lucid dream lots too, so when it's good and fun, it's a blast. . . but when it's bad, it's terrifying. Most of my dreams aren't super weird like the ones I've told you guys about haha. That only happens like once every week or two.
I think I must lucid dream at times too because there's been many times of happy blasty blasts and other times of terrifying - i.e. being shot in a dream and being so distraught that it took me over an hour after waking up to believe that it had just been a dream.
I also have vivid enough dreams that sometimes if it's been months since I had the dream, I some times can't remember if the situation really occurred or if it was a dream. It makes for some awkward moments when sitting around with friends saying , "Remember that time..."
You'd know if you were lucid dreaming. That's when your mind is awake enough to know you're dreaming, and sometimes even control your dream. What your describing (and I've experienced it, too) is vivid dreaming.
Ahh yes I know what lucid dreaming is as well - I experience it every now and then, very rare, but definitely in control and can bring up new situations.
I'm envious. I'm always at the mercy of vivid dreams and only rarely wake up before they're over. But hey, no more submarine volkswagons.
I tried to "practice" staying in control of lucid dreams by writing a journal of the dreams right after I woke up each morning. It was so bizarre reading the journals a week later because I didn't even remember writing it down or even having those dreams. Eventually, I got to the point of flying around whenever I wanted to.. but it was a lot of effort to get to that point.
Now I just dream of hiding from Meteor behind little rocks.