ZenBro! We miss you! <3
ZenBro! We miss you! <3
Awww I miss you too Andaris! And even Xyphos sometimes... when it's been a really bad day.
PSN: zerozenx
Kheo (08-04-2015)
The reaction of the dude when he finally breaks it!
-- please excuse the bad grammar, or syntax, as my main language is french ^_^
Hmm... Kheo, are you trying to troll the thread? Because I've been watching that for about 5 minutes and I'm beginning to believe that he doesn't break the glass.
no, this will never die.
-- please excuse the bad grammar, or syntax, as my main language is french ^_^
OH God the thread necromancy.
But I'm okay with that.
Kheo (12-17-2015)
Thread revival FTW!