The Aureus Knights are a world wide community of online gamers. Although many of our members are MMO veterans from the early UO, EQ and MUD days, our members span all demographics and play styles. We strive for a fun, laid back and social gaming environment that anyone can feel welcome in and enjoy.
Please make yourself at home and be sure to hello on the forums
On Wednesday December 21st Aureus Knights SWTOR Republic had their first big guild event. The plan was to have some social fun and down the first two world bosses. It was mission accomplished and a lot of fun!
The night ended up starting in Republic Fleet with a cantina dance, moved to Coruscant to take down SD-0, a group shot at the Senate building, downing Subject Alpha on Taris and finishing up the evening with some adventures (mostly PVP related) on Tatooine! Read below for a whole lot more.
In what seemed like record time (seriously, it only took us 10 minutes to muster - wtf is wrong with us?) we were off to head to Coruscant - but first! A stately march through the Republic Fleet
Upon arriving on Courscant the constant flow of Knights caused some traffic congestion
While we waited for everyone to touch down on the planet and
It's that time again! What time is that you ask? RJO-remembered-the-newsletter-time of course! We've got an awesome newsletter in an all new design for your reading
The guild award system is a neat little system we have in place to recognize the contributions of our members and officers. It's meant to be a fun way to recognize things you can do with the guild in the game.
Here are the rewards members in our SWTOR chapter will be able to earn: