OK, so technically it will be Saturday when I post this, but it has been a hell of a busy day. To start with, my flight out of Columbus was delayed by almost 2 hours, and I didn't get into Boston until about 9PM last night. In blatant disregard for my travel-weary state, Abaci forced me on a death march of over a mile, in the rain, to go get dinner at Anthem. The food was amazing, though, and I got to meet his fiancée, Kwyl (her character name in Rift). We got some Shrimp Corndogs to start with, ...
Hey everyone, I've wanted to start blogging on the AKS site for a while now, and I figured there was no better time that during my trip to Boston and PAX East to start. I am going to try to keep this updated through the weekend with information and a pictures. If you are familiar with PAX, and you want pictures of anything in particular, let me know and I will try to get some taken. In other news, my PAX badges never made it to my house, so I am going to have to rush ...