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  1. Two Lightsabers are better than one - Jedi Sentinel Basics

    I am by no means an expert on those that saw an extra lightsaber lying around, saw their free hand, and thought to themselves, "Why not?" This is the first post that will contain what I've discovered in dabbling up to level 35 in Sentinel. Do not take this guide as an informed opinion. I have not gotten there yet. It's just my experiences and thought patterns on my build so far. I'm doing this now because I was asked and I like the sound of my own voice, er words. Whatever.
  2. Justicar Tanking Builds

    Let's try this again. So I typed up this awesome, long and well thought post on a Justicar Leveling and Raiding build and the board said that will not be tolerated and ate it. So this time I will be hammering that Save Draft button so I don't lose an hour of work. I know in the last post I said I would discuss healing souls; however, I few guildies asked me questions about my build and how I go about tanking. This post will be about that.

    First and foremost, prebattle prep. Justicars ...
  3. Oh Hai - So you want to be Cleric

    This space is reserved for my long, boring, and probably something we'll all have a good laugh at in a few months when half my conclusions are horribly incorrect.

    Anyways, the Cleric is a unique calling. It is the only soul that can Main Heal, Support Heal, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, and Tank. Pretty much the only thing a cleric can't do well is straight Support ala a Bard type. Then again, Bards are mana from heaven(literally 40+), so we'll agree to leave the Rogue something to do. ...