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  1. Two Lightsabers are better than one - Jedi Sentinel Basics

    I am by no means an expert on those that saw an extra lightsaber lying around, saw their free hand, and thought to themselves, "Why not?" This is the first post that will contain what I've discovered in dabbling up to level 35 in Sentinel. Do not take this guide as an informed opinion. I have not gotten there yet. It's just my experiences and thought patterns on my build so far. I'm doing this now because I was asked and I like the sound of my own voice, er words. Whatever.
  2. SWTOR is not a linear game...

    There is a popular notion (even from those who play the game) that Star Wars The Old Republic is a linear game. As I've gotten more and more in to the game I've realized that this might be one of the least linear leveling MMOs I've seen in quite some time. Don't get me wrong: this is a theme park experience that is very well guided and on first blush feels extremely linear. But its the modes of play that Bioware gives you really give it a non-linear feel.

    My wife and I are both ...
  3. 2011 Predictions Follow Up

    *** Originally posted on my gaming blog: Adventures of Taas

    It’s that time of year again – time to recap my 2011 predictions!

    World of Warcraft: A mind shift that the game’s best days are behind it.

    I imagine my man Evan would disagree with me but I feel this has happened. There are a few reasons:

    First is SWTOR. It’s hard to judge this factor because SWTOR is so fresh and shiny at the moment and we’ve seen countless games ...
  4. What makes a good tank?

    I've encountered this question a lot, and what seems like an easy answer is actually a complicated series of concepts. I will list everything, in no particular order, that I believe makes a good tank. To some this may be common knowledge, but to an aspiring first-time tank it might be enlightening.

    1. Gear - a good tank always needs to stay on top of their gear. Unlike dps (or to a lesser extent healers), a tank can't just slide by with mediocre gear. Our entire usefulness is ...
  5. The Definitive Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Review Classes (Part 5)

    Sith Inquisitor:

    My personal experience is that the Sith Inquisitor offered a fairly enjoyable story in Act One. However feedback on the forums indicates that the highlights of the story are all in Act One, as Acts Two and Three fall short. As the Inquisitor was a class on my agenda to play, I cut it semi-short, and this is a class that ...

    Updated 12-05-2011 at 01:44 AM by Hengist

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