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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Playing League of Legends With Aureus Knights 2.0

    Haha, ya, I definitely understand the rage. It's a rough game sometimes, but I defintiely prefer to play with people I even kind of know and have voice comms with. While I can't promise to never incite anyone else's rage at my play (I'm a mediocre player, was gold in solo queue before I went inactive), you'll never hear me yell at another player for how they play or for making mistakes.

    And I figured I'd tag on to the sticky thread instead of creating a new one, even if it was a bit lifeless ;-)

    So, I don't see a LoL channel on vent. What channel do you guys hang out in, so I know whos playing that as opposed to anything else?
    Last edited by jerrrry; 09-07-2014 at 12:35 AM.

  2. #22
    Papa Chicken Myrridias's Avatar
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    Default Re: Playing League of Legends With Aureus Knights 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrrry View Post
    Haha, ya, I definitely understand the rage. It's a rough game sometimes, but I defintiely prefer to play with people I even kind of know and have voice comms with. While I can't promise to never incite anyone else's rage at my play (I'm a mediocre player, was gold in solo queue before I went inactive), you'll never hear me yell at another player for how they play or for making mistakes.

    And I figured I'd tag on to the sticky thread instead of creating a new one, even if it was a bit lifeless ;-)

    So, I don't see a LoL channel on vent. What channel do you guys hang out in, so I know whos playing that as opposed to anything else?
    It's shared with other filler games under the "CasualMinecraftLegends" room. There's a separate DnD room for ranked though. If your at home or can otherwise access it, Comrade Horrison is in there atm. And don't worry about the rage, it was more of a joke, but if your ever worried about something, you can always bake a cake



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