Welcome to the Playing With Aureus Knights sticky for WildStar. This sticky is intended to be a one stop shop to give you all the information you need about playing with Aureus Knights in WildStar
Guild Information
Aureus Knights is a premier guild built from the ground up to be well run so that we can focus on the most important thing: having fun.
***Important update September 4th 2014*** We are Exiles located on the Stormtalon server. We are active in all facets of the game so that we make sure that all of our members get to enjoy all types of content regardless of their play style.
***Important update September 4th 2014*** Due to the upcoming megaserver and available free transfers we've decided to move from Thunderfoot to Stormtalon. Details on that transition are here.
We run events several times a week, and will eventually be running a full raid program. Our guild is active in virtually all time zones however the bulk of our events are planned for EST prime time.
In WildStar we will be organizing activities around all types of content but in particular we will be focusing on building events around dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas and warplots. Over the coming weeks we will be detailing more about our plans for these particular areas of the game.
Getting an Invite to the Guild
The guild is now created so find yourself an invite! How you ask? Any member (those with the rank Knight or greater) can invite to the guild, so hop on Mumble or find someone in game and they'll be able to invite.
Your best bet is to contact an officer (See the below officer team list)
I’m a new recruit how do I become a full Knight?
To become a full member of Aureus Knights recruits need to complete a trial of around two weeks. An officer will contact you in game once you've been invited to the Guild to start this trial. If you have started your trial, your rank will be Recruit in the Guild roster. If your rank is unprocessed that means your trial has yet to begin. If you are unprocessed and would like to start your trial feel free to contact any officer in the list below who has Recruitment as one of their officer roles.
Officer Team
* all TBD officer positions will be filled in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out for an application!
Where do I download the game?
You can download the game in your My Account panel.
Tell me about WildStar!
Thanks to Wildstar's marketing and community team I don't have to come up with a description for this game, they've got some great videos.
First up, What is Wildstar:
Second, Classes Video: