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  1. #1
    Champion of Casuals Bigcedric's Avatar
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    Default Re: Officer Intro Thread

    About Me

    Sup, I'm Bigcedric. Real name is Geoff, which you may hear me called occasionally, but I'll respond to anything "Cedric" or "Ced" related. Bigcedric came about through getting Cedric as a randomed name and needing to add something when that was already taken in a game. My avatar was large, so it became Bigcedric and it stuck.

    I'm 29 and live in NE Ohio. I graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Communications Technology. I don't actually use that degree at all in my work. I am a Project Manager that just travels all over the country evaluating/surveying/supervising various projects for various retail companies. This is why you may not see me around too much during the week. Generally I'll fly or drive out somewhere Monday morning and not return until Friday evening. I'm travelling roughly 45 weeks out of the year.

    Outside of work I'm big into various movies, TV shows, and anime. Also a big basketball fan.

    Generally I'm a pretty nice guy that enjoys being occasionally arrogant to poke fun at people. I'll always try to help people out as they need it.

    Me and Gaming

    I started out gaming at a fairly early age with the original Sega. I progressed over the years as I suspect most people here will have. One interesting note is that I never owned anything from Nintendo besides portable devices/systems.

    My MMO experience started very briefly in Anarchy Online, but my real experience started in Dark Age of Camelot. Since then I've played a laundry list of MMOs.

    City of Heroes
    Star Wars Galaxies
    World of Warcraft
    Warhammer Online
    FFXIV 1.0 and ARR
    The Old Republic
    Probably some I can't remember.

    I generally like to take things pretty casually, but like to progress throughout the endgame as well. While it's fun to clear everything, I don't see the point in creating stress to do it.

    Besides MMOs, I play the occasional shooter, RPG, MOBA, or pretty much anything at all.

    Me and the Guild

    Since I started playing MMOs, I've only ever really belonged to two communities. When I played DAoC, I joined up with a guild there that I stayed with in some form until FFXIV 1.0 was on the way. None of my friends there were interested in the game and that was when I came to AKS. Though FFXIV 1.0 didn't turn out how a lot of us wanted it to, I was really happy to have made some more friends to play games with.

    When AKS got ready for RIFT, I was given an opportunity to be an Event Volunteer. Unfortunately that game didn't quite work out either and we quickly moved on. For The Old Republic I got brought on as a Chapter Officer and really enjoyed helping make our Republic chapter a lot of fun for the time we spent in that game. After TOR I was invited to join the Community Leadership Team and helped with the Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV ARR chapters. AKS is very important to me and I'll do whatever I can to keep it a great community.

    As one of the Chapter Sponsors for WildStar, I’m very excited to experience all the different aspects of the game while also getting to know a lot of new faces. If you ever need anything, feel free to give me a shout!
    Last edited by Bigcedric; 07-20-2014 at 01:12 AM.
    Steam: Bigcedric --- XBL: Bigcedric --- PSN: Bigcedric88

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  3. #2
    Champion of Casuals Bigcedric's Avatar
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    Default Meet the Officer Team!

    Now that our WildStar chapter is in full swing and we are progressing throughout the game, the officer team would like to go through and provide introductions so new folks can get to know them better.

    Read on to learn about your favorite officers!
    Last edited by Bigcedric; 07-20-2014 at 01:12 AM.
    Steam: Bigcedric --- XBL: Bigcedric --- PSN: Bigcedric88

  4. #3
    Guild Member
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    Default Re: Officer Intro Thread

    About Me:

    Hi I'm tabrizia or kiir, my real name is Sarah. Tabrizia and Kiir have been my online handles for decades now, and wow that makes me feel old. I'm 36 and married to Dan, attriel on the forums though he isn't active at the moment. I have 3 terrors or children Desmond is 7, Eloise is 5 and Sullivan is 3. I homeschool the elder two. We also have a dog K-Line. I live in the DC metro area in Maryland and really like it up here.

    My current hobbies are Reading, playing MMORPGs, Magic and board games, yelling at the kids to cut it out, and non-online computer games. I also write for a homeschooling blog about classically educating my children.

    Me and Gaming:

    I have been a gamer since forever. I remember going with my Dad to get our IBM pc jr, though we had a computer that hooked up to the tv before that. I enjoy playing all sort of computer games. I enjoy a wide variety games, though I tend to skew towards games such as Civ 5, The Sims, and MMORPGs. I started playing MMORPGs with Everquest back in college and I have played a large variety of them since. Currently I am focused on Wildstar, but before that I was playing ESO and before that was GW2. I tend to focus on one MMORPG at a time, my brain can't really deal with more then one at a time.

    Oh and I totally blame RJO for both me playing GW2 and Wildstar, neither was on my radar until about 2 days before release when he mentioned them and I decided to try them out.

    I am generally a semi-casual player who plays a lot. Thanks to the kids I end up distracted frequently and randomly afk during the day when I game. I do enjoy grouping in the evenings after they have gone to bed however. I am thinking about raiding in Wildstar, but I am probably not going to do a lot of that until January or so, due to various life issues.

    Me and the Guild:

    I joined Aureus Knights in January 2007 when Vanguard came out. The guild I had been a member of since Everquest was in decline as people got busy and not many people were gaming anymore, it was more of a general community with people who gamed then a guild at that point. I had known RJO and Tammy for quite awhile before I joined, so it seemed like a good choice. I have played on and off with Aureus Knights since then. I was a Chapter Officer in GW2 and I am now a Chapter Officer in Wildstar.

    I am happy to answer questions and help out guildmates whenever I can.

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  6. #4
    Inappropriate Kiylie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Officer Intro Thread

    About Me

    Here on the forums you’ll see me as Kiylie – in game I have several different character names that I tend to rotate (the two most significant being Mysiana and Desiria). In real life, my name is Jen and I am married to Daniel (known in-game and on the forums as Greyanna, or elwood on mumble). We are expecting our first baby this August so you probably won't see me on for long periods of time.
    I am 34 years old and live outside of the Washington, DC Metro area in Northern Virginia. I work at a Pilot Bioproduction Facility in Maryland where I am a Senior Quality Control Analyst (soon to be promoted to Manager). More often than not, you will probably hear me bitch about how long it takes to get home – I average a 1-1.5 hour commute one way.
    Outside of work I am very much into mixed martial arts. I am currently a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with a small mix of some Judo and Muay Thai thrown in for fun. I also do strength and conditioning training twice a week. In the winter (if we would ever get enough snow over here) I enjoy snowboarding. Like most nerds, I also love reading and watching TV/movies.
    In general I am a very laid back and fun person. I do have a small bit of a temper when pushed, but it takes a bit to reach that line (for the average person).

    Me and Gaming

    I started gaming at an early age with an Atari back in the 80s, continuing with most consoles after that. I didn’t get into computer gaming, however, until I was introduced to Ultima Online back in 1999. From that point, I have played almost every major MMO to date with my longest stint being in World of Warcraft for 7 years. I would list all of my games, but it would take up more space than it’s worth.
    With my time in WoW came an appreciation and desire for raiding. While I wasn’t in any of the majorly hardcore guilds out there, I would still consider my time as a raider to be on the leading edge of content. Consequently, even though I have become far more casual lately, I view raiding in a serious light – come prepared and on time or don’t sign up!

    Me and the Guild

    I joined AKS during my foray in Warhammer Online and met so many people that I enjoyed playing with that I decided to stay in the community even though our time in WAR was short-lived. When Rift came around, I opted to run events for the guild to include a few of the smaller raids. Unfortunately, this chapter fell through pretty quickly. During Star Wars: The Old Republic, I came back as a chapter officer and event/raid leader on the Empire side. From there, I lead our raiders to many victories, clearing all of the content on both normal and hard mode even with the game-breaking bugs still present. From there I was asked to join the Community Leadership Team.
    I was super excited when Guild Wars 2 came out, but sadly the game just didn’t have the end-game content that could keep me interested for very long (even though I managed to take 3 characters to level 80).
    I played FFXIV:ARR for a decent amount of time where I ended up primarily healing as a Scholar; sadly, the endgame just didn't keep my attention for long and I quit shortly after housing came out.
    Present day – I am honored to still be a part of the CLT which is helping to shape the community into being the awesome place that it is today. I look forward to meeting many new people on our journey through Wildstar, and I hope that many of you stick with AKS regardless of whether or not you like the game. Personally, I am hoping that Wildstar has the right kind of end-game to keep me around for a very long time. I would like nothing more than to find a game that can hold my attention for several years like WoW once did.

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    Ade (08-23-2014)

  8. #5

    Default Re: Officer Intro Thread

    About Me

    Hey all, I'm Trufflepig. Truff is fine. I've been gaming since I was a kid with Poltergeist on my dad's TRS-80. I ended up with the Trufflepig moniker back in UO around 2001 when I wanted a character name that was flat out embarrassing to be killed by, and that gave very little mental motivation for ganking: "Oh big deal, you managed to kill a Trufflepig. Is the preschool your next stop? I hear those 4 year olds are hardcore!"

    Fast forward several years and not only had the name stuck, but as I transferred over to release-WoW I found it was a great ice breaker and damn useful because people wouldn't forget it. When trying to make a name for yourself in a new place, an amusing and unique tag helps even more than knowing which is the pointy end.

    I'm 34 now and active duty in the USN. I've been a SONAR Technician for 15 years and love my job when I get to do it. Out of those 15, I've been rotated back to San Diego two times for three years each as a teacher. That's where all of my patience comes from in those Storm Talon wipes With all of that classroom time, I've developed a bit of skill in breaking complicated concepts in to simple and easy to remember components. It works well in the office and translates quite satisfactorily into raid leading. I love it because all of those extra hours I spend playing games actually comes in handy for honing my communication skills in the real world.

    Besides gaming I read a lot. Not too big on TV or movies anymore though occasionally I'll get sucked into something by word of mouth. Typically that's when I go MIA in game for 2-3 days while I marathon whatever caught my interest.


    I'm pretty sure that I was playing video games on a black and green monitor running off of a 5 inch floppy drive before I'd actually learned how to read. had an Atari before I was 5 years old and a Nintendo by the time I was 8.

    I think my first big online experience was Quake, and later the Team Fortress mod for it. Then Diablo came out and hooked me right up until I read about this new thing called Ultima Online... And that was how I lost 6 years of my life.

    Since then I've been active in several of the bigger name MMOs, though I haven't gotten down into the niche games so much. I'm serial-monogamous with games. I play one and only one to the absolute exclusion of pretty much everything else. Then I do it again. And again. And again. Games I've put real time and effort into include

    UO (6+ years)
    WoW (5+ years with gaps)
    Vanguard (About 6 months at release, but was reading and hyping it for 2 years beforehand including a trip to Vegas and shots with Brad McQuaid)
    EVE (6+ months of training and a ton of market PvP. When I beat the market, I got bored)
    Rift (6 months or so until the day it went F2P. Kalisalos in AK came over to WS from my Rift guild)
    FFXIV (6-15 hours a day almost every day from re-release until a month after Extreme Primals released)
    LoL (Been inactive for quite a while, but got I love that game)

    I like character progression and definitely fall under almost anyone's definition of hardcore. About the only thing that really stops me from being an elitist asshole of a gamer is age and experience
    I burned out a couple of times in WoW when I couldn't solo-carry the load as Guild Lead, Class Lead, Raid Lead, and Main Tank over long stints of time. Watching 3-5 months of hard work and 60+ people scatter to the winds because I wasn't as good as I thought I was humbled me quite a bit. By my 3rd progression guild sometime around Mount Hyjal in WoW WotLK expansion I finally looked around and realized that I get more enjoyment out of teaching others and team work than I do as a dictator. So nowadays I write guides and lead training runs instead of writing instructions and pushing server firsts. Everyone wins and I don't feel like my hobby is giving me an ulcer!

    Me and the Guild

    I'm new to AK and actually here kinda by accident. When Wild Star released I was planning to finally head back to my old UO guild Born in Chaos (BiC Chesapeake server). It had been years since I was part of their community, but I've kept in touch and they all still move from game to game with the same sort of revolving door that AK has. We decided to roll on Pergo and everything was going great.

    Then Wild Star released. Pergo's queues were just too long for me. I can play for 10 hours straight no problem. A 10 hour queue is a completely different animal.

    By the 3rd day after release I'd decided I was headed to less crowded pastures. Decided on Thunderfoot because of it's population and found AK's recruitment thread on the forums. (Bump it, I'm living proof that the sucker works!)

    And that's me. If you're ever looking for something to do in game, hit me up. I'm always happy to run just about anything.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Trufflepig For This Useful Post:

    Ade (08-23-2014), Kiylie (08-09-2014)

  10. #6
    Knight Hotgingersnaps's Avatar
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    About Me:
    Im a ginger and i am made of sarcasm and sexual tension.
    My game tags are Gingersnap, Tiaramisu or Snacks. My name is Nick and I'm 24 years old. I currently live in the Raincouver in Canada eh.
    I spend most of my spare time watching anime. I watch just about everything and I'm a big fan of studio Ghibli as well.

    Many Games:
    I started games with a nintendo and the nintendo gameboy, or the brick as i like to call it. I transitioned to PC when EQ1 was released in 1999, after than i hopped on WoW train during launch but quit shortly before Wrath of the Bitch king. After that I played most of the MMO's mostly SWTOR, GW2, Rift, FF reborn, you can pretty much always find me lurking in mumble and the mindcraft server.

    The Guild:
    I joined AKS during the downfall of SWTOR and ramp up of GW2. I enjoyed busting down keep walls in WvW or just hanging out and getting to know people in the chat that i got hooked. Be it causing large explosions in minecraft, getting stomping by enemy teams in league, or some fun dungeon nights, there is always fun to be had somewhere.

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