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  1. #1
    Muild Gember Kowh's Avatar
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    Default Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    Should be less grueling to attune when this goes in, bronze doesn't have the timelimit.

    A quick summary of the changes:
    1. Silver vet dungeon requirement is being changed to Bronze.
    2. World boss step is getting some love, but the exact changes are still in flux so we have not announced exactly what is changing.
    3. Partial Primal Pattern requirements are being lowered from 300 to 100 per person.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    Oh I like the changes. This will make attuning quite a bit easier.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    I've got to admit that I'm not a fan of the silver change. That time limit is brutal at first, but absolutely forces players to learn necessary skills in communication, interrupts, and teamwork.

    The thing is that once you've learned the tricks, they are easy to teach to others and those "impossible" runs become pretty simple.

    If I wanted to faceroll, I'd still be destroying the meters in WoW's LFR. Anything that dumbs down a vital step in a player's skill progression gets a big in my book.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    All it does is let people in the door, it changes nothing in the raid instance itself. Guilds will still need to learn the communication and team work inside.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    I don't have any dungeon silvers yet and would have preferred that they kept the standard at Silver. RL friend of mine just hit 50 and I was looking forward to banging our heads up against the silver time limit. There probably won't be much point of that once the change goes in.

  6. #6
    Knight reddragn87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    I like the silver medal thing, but I think that it being based on a time is a bit brutal...just my say though, then again, I dont like having to rush through a dungeon.

  7. #7
    Guild Member Burnard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    I agree on it being a less than stellar move. Bronze is basically "Get through the thing without any colossal F-Ups" right? While I suppose its a good thing in that it will open up raiding to a broader base of people that doesn't necessarily equate to a better experience for the people already attuned. Maybe they will re-introduce the Silver requirements for later content? Then again by that point people will likely have gear enough to be able to lolspam through them with a good chance at it thereby negating the whole point. I remember when Heroics in WoW were hard, and I also remember not that long after that when I could just pull and face tank every trash mob and boss with complete disregard for strategy.

  8. #8
    Muild Gember Kowh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    Dropping the time limit doesn't make them easy by any means. Just getting through Stormtalon or Drokk alone is a feat.

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  10. #9
    Knight Hotgingersnaps's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dungeon attunements to be nerfed to bronze

    Hoesntly this change is for the better, heopefully it will impact players to resub and get some life back into the servers, and it will mean that you will actually be able to start pugging dungeons without people leaving on the first wipe, so more people get experience in the dungeons = more silver runs



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