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  1. #1
    Neophyte Jayshua's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
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    Cool ~Wildstar~ About Jayshua (Josh)

    Hello Folks!

    I am Jayshua or Josh. I have been playing MMOs since EQ2 and WoW were released. I have played most/if not all MMOs since then at least a little! I am an MMO addict... lol I actually met my (now) wife in LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) 6 years ago. We typically lead or start our own guild "Hope Remains" but due to the Burn Out of GMing we've decided to join the community as Members! We are very helpful and will join in anything we can!

    In Real Life I am cross trained and cross work in IT doing Computer Repair and Tech Support and also Bookkeeping / General Accounting.

    Anyway I look forward to getting to know you all!

    Jayshua (Josh)
    Tank Always!

    P.S. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock is the only way to solve problems! LOL

  2. #2
    Meow Master Mister Daku's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~Wildstar~ About Jayshua (Josh)

    Welcome! In order to get an invite to the guild, hit up any one of our members, as anybody who is a full member of the guild can invite. And if that person can't, they'll find someone who can.

    Be sure to also visit this post and join us in Mumble! If you find someone in Mumble, you'll probably get an invite even faster.

    Again, welcome!

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