That was to Miana
That was to Miana
-- please excuse the bad grammar, or syntax, as my main language is french ^_^
I was talking to Miana... and she logged out all of a sudden.. and I cried for a long while...
PSN: zerozenx
Damnit Kheo!! Hehe
Zen - I said goodnight to you!!
Wow this thread is 52 pages long. I'll have to come back in here tomorrow while I'm at work on... the... porcelain chair of greatness.
You mean while dropping some mysterious timber?
PSN: zerozenx
What condition(s) would that be Zro?
PSN: zerozenx
Its snowing like crazzzyyy
Ugh it's only lightly snowing here... I can't say I'm working from home for light snow. It's not fair, Miana gets all the good snow.
And G'artex is stuck with just the yellow snow.
PSN: zerozenx