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Start your city layout with low-grade roads and avenues. These will save you money starting out and can be upgraded without having to worry about recreating the buildings. They allow you to stay ahead of the service demands because buildings won't upgrade to medium or high density until you upgrade the surrounding roads. Low-Density and High-Density roads take up the same amount of space, same for avenues. Updating from road to avenue requires you delete the road and possibly screw up building placement so lay out your primary arteries early and upgrade as traffic becomes a problem.
Place services at major intersections in the middle of your neighborhoods. I've seen way too many videos of bad players putting services buildings (fire, police, etc) along the edges of their cities. The area of influence of these is circular so you lose half of the efficacy putting them along the edge and you have to use more of them. The same can be said for parks, and especially the ones with a huge influence area.