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  1. #1
    Knight reddragn87's Avatar
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    Default Artty's 4.0 Prep

    Hey Folks,

    First off, I AM BACK! After an absence, I decided to come home to Eorzea from my vacation in Azeroth and lots of demon slaying to visit the best group of players ever. Now, I also know, through seeing first hand that the FC is not as active as it was and even at this moment, I personally do not know the status of the FC going forward (not a call for me to make so I know nothing ATM).

    I, however, am being optimistic and trying to get materials ready for the 4.0 launch in June. The airships have been starting to fly again (took a little bit to dust off their wings) and now I am starting to get the wheel (aetherial wheel that is) spinning to make a wonderful EXP buff for Stormblood. But to do this, I need some mats. There is a bit of a stash already in the 3rd tab of the FC chest, but a few more items would help a ton. I am listing these below so we can try to get things going. At this point, if I keep the wheel spinning, I can stash us up a good amount of XP buffs for launch that will help with leveling.

    Items Artty Needs:

    Deep-red Clusters (Not needed)
    Unaspected Crystals
    Dusk-borne Aethersand

    Any help would be appreciated. I know that there is a small stash already but maybe about 30-50 more of each would be appreciated.
    Last edited by reddragn87; 03-20-2017 at 08:02 AM.



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