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  1. #1
    Knight Shynkx's Avatar
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    Default Finally decided to come back!

    Hello all! Shynkx Diablos here!
    After a while of not playing because MMOs cuz I got bored easy, I decided to start replaying again since I finished most of my single player games on steam!
    Sadly when I stopped playing, at first I didnt want to play again and deleted all my characters( Dumb Mistake)
    So Ive started one on Faerie for now and will Xfer on Gilga ASAP!
    Hope to see you all again online ^_^ !!

  2. #2
    Knight Sharess's Avatar
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    Default Re: Finally decided to come back!

    Hey Shynkx! Welcome back! I did the same thing approx 6 mo back and took a break from any mmo, any game for 2 months, then started with HOTS with my boys, then Overwatch with friends and my boys, and now I am back full swing in FFXIV You deleted your characters vs selling the account? I do understand the whole 'I need a way to make sure I wont come back in a week' kind of cycle BUt that sucks re deleted. If you deleted instead of selling the account you MIGHT be able to get them to remake your characters. Either way welcome back!!! Come join me in the Discord voice coms if you feel up to it

    It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.

    Skype: Daveschadt MSN/Facebook:

  3. #3
    Knight Shynkx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Finally decided to come back!

    Thank you Sharess!! Yeah I just deleted them and I think Ill prefer re-starting fresh, doing stuff smoothly casual! Since Im mostly on Overwatch doing comps so!
    I play OW all evening and when I get 2 bad games in a row, I switch to FF14 to relax haha! I will join the discord for sure!!

  4. #4
    Knight Sharess's Avatar
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    Default Re: Finally decided to come back!

    What is your ingame for FFXIV?? I'll look for you there! I'm under Sharess Dragonsong and Xaikul Stardust.
    I also play some Overwatch as well!
    Sharess#1423 is my bnet

    It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.

    Skype: Daveschadt MSN/Facebook:

  5. #5
    Knight Shynkx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Finally decided to come back!

    My FF14 character name is Lyonesse Holysong but still on faerie right now, will xfer very soon tho!
    My Bnet is shynkx#1408



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