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Thread: *wave*

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default *wave*

    Heyas everyone Not sure if anyone remembers me and if not that's fine I was just curious as to how FFXIV, Gilgamesh and you guys are all doing! I've been playing WoW since Legion hit and it's alright, but everytime I watch a FFXIV stream it makes me miss it. I left off ... hmmm ... Right after the 2nd Alexander set hit? Not sure when that was, but I think that's when I stopped (again :P). Is it worth it to come back? I know I'd have story to plow through and old primals to dust off, but would it be hard to get back into the swing of things? I mained a DRK and I thought it was pretty fun at the time, but people used PLD and WAR a lot more.

    Anywho, any thoughts are welcome

    Thanks in advance!

    - Scrubbs

  2. #2
    Knight Sharess's Avatar
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    Default Re: *wave*

    Hey Scrubbs, I just came back as well! Night before 3.4 for me I have been hearing that its a lot of fun for the new content. I would say it's not super difficult, play for a few hours and things fall into place.

    Also unless you went through your my documents file and manually deleted your hotbars they'll still be working the same and your configuration will be the same.

    Wish ya well and hope ya come back

    It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
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    Default Re: *wave*

    I'm an eye doc and work 40+ hrs a week. I go home and play FFXIV on my PS4 as my relaxer/stress reliever, lol! And it works for me because aside from Savage Raiding, which I don't do, this game is easy and graphically pleasing enough to play without thinking too hard, hahaha! I do main NIN and MCH and I find those classes easy to play.

    I don't know about tanking and healing classes. They're probably more stressful than the DPS jobs I play -- so, I avoid them personally, haha!

    But anyway, 3.4 gave a lot of goodies and I'm finding myself getting a little FFXIV ADHD. I check my retainers, I check my new NPC recruits (new to 3.4) and train them or send them to missions, I purchased an apartment (they won't run out of space, I still saw a lot of empty apartments yesterday just in the Mist), I play the roulettes tab, I play the 24-man raids, I play all the new Alexander (normal) raids, and I'm slowly grinding my 2nd Anima relic (MCH), I'm still grinding Golden Saucer for that Fenrir mount (I want it so bad!), so many things!!! I don't know how people get tired of FFXIV honestly haha!
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