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  1. #1
    Neophyte Astra's Avatar
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    Sep 2016
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    Default Introduction: Astra :)


    I was browsing the FFXIV Recruitment subreddit then all of a sudden boop, I find AKS's ad and all the principles of this community seems to appeal to me. As I started browsing the website, I noticed that it looks very familiar. That's when I realized I've met some of you before! My name is Kris (or you can call me Astra) and not only am I looking for a nice group of friends to play games/talk with but also a community within FFXIV so I can experience the fun-ness of it. :3

    My taste in games is pretty wide, there isn't really a game genre that I particularly dislike. Although I do tend to really suck at turn-based grand strategy games like Civ or something. As for MMOs, I've tried quite a lot but haven't really stuck to one for too long. The only ones I would say I had a real strong interest in was GW2—of which I quit because my guild blew up—and Black Desert Online which is how maybe very few of you might remember me (as Astra, the snowball ghillie wizard in FM). I took a break from games after I left Black Desert and now I'm finding myself to want to play an MMO again for the community (of course, blowing things up is a plus). I've always had an interest in FFXIV but played a bit solo and couldn't find it in myself to play alone to reach the end-game. Which means yes, I'm a total newbie when it comes to FFXIV. I find myself typically playing rogue-like classes or the regular warrior in MMOs. So, I'm trying out NIN first but games can always surprise me. I basically never play casters but found myself over-enjoying myself as a Wizard on BDO. I do eventually want to get into the raiding scene but that's a long ways from now.

    I'm slightly reserved at first but once I find myself melding with a community really closely, I'm an extremely social person. I'm pretty excited to possibly finally get out of MMO limbo though. I'll browse the forums for a bit, pop my head in the Discord then apply in-game maybe later tonight or tomorrow!

  2. #2
    SUBSEQUENTLY Gwen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Introduction: Astra :)

    Hey there. Welcome to the forums!
    PSN: agent_00negative
    XBox Live: agent00negative KarmaBum#1703
    FFXIV: Gwen Dolyn



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