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Thread: Looking

  1. #1
    Neophyte Phazon_Decay (nourez)'s Avatar
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    Default Looking

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a new FFXIV player looking for an FC that's flexible and friendly, and you seem to fit the requirements. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm Nourez, though for many of my online games I use the tag PhazonDecay (or some variant of it). I'm a student from Toronto, so I don't get the most time to play, but I'm looking for a group of friends to hang around with in game for a couple hours a week. University can be pretty stressful, so I'm not currently looking to do any heavy raiding or anything along those lines, but I gotta say causal play in FFXIV is actually quite relaxing. Everything's so nice and cheery. I'm currently working on building a Black Mage, though I'm not quite 100% sure that it will be the job I main as of yet. My character name in game is Phazey Decs (I'm planning on sending the invitation request as soon as I'm done typing this out).

    As for my MMO history, I used to play a ton of Guild Wars 1, right up until the release of Guild Wars 2. Personally, I wasn't a huge fan of GW2, and have been hopping between a few different games since then trying to find another MMO to fill that void. I have experience in World of Warcraft, ESO, and The Old Republic, though out of the games I tried I found FFXIV to be the one that hooked me the most by far. Again, there's something pleasantly cheery about it, it's a nice change of pace from the stresses of real life. Again, I love the idea of a FC that puts friendship and fun ahead of simply doing everything possible to progress raiding.

    Outside of the game, I'm a student (as I mentioned earlier) studying Computer Science. I used to be a pretty avid gamer, though the demands of the program limit my free time, and thus I tend to have as much time to game as I used to. In the time that I do get, I play FFXIV, Pokemon (can't wait for Sun/Moon), and whatever single player game tickles my fancy at the moment. I've also noticed you have a causal Overwatch chapter, which I'd be interested in playing in a bit too. I'm not great at Overwatch, but I do enjoy it quite a bit. Aside from gaming, I'm a pretty avid reader. Currently very slowly working my way through Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace in addition to American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I also enjoy my fair share of TV, Anime and Movies. Just started watching Fate Zero, and have also slowly been rewatching Star Trek TOS. Finally, I'm quite fond of being outdoors. I try to go for a jog or a walk daily, and love camping and hiking (and it's even better if I'm with my dog).

    Again, I look forward to getting to know all of you, though to be frank I'll likely be limited in the amount of time I'll be able to play as I've got a heavy courseload this semester. Still, I'll try to make an effort to be on the chat or discord as much as I can.

    Hope to talk to you all soon,

    Nourez (PhazonDecay)

    EDIT: And I realized I forgot to finish typing out a title for my post. I guess I should've mentioned I tend to be forgetful. Should be titled "Looking to make some new friends in Eorzea".
    Last edited by Phazon_Decay (nourez); 09-13-2016 at 04:16 PM. Reason: Forgetfulness

  2. #2
    Knight reddragn87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking

    Sounds like you will make a good fit. Glad that you found us and...




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