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  1. #1
    Feeds the Carry RJO's Avatar
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    Default End of an Era in FFXIV - Thank You to Zro and Artex


    It is with a heavy heart I share with you that two pillars of our FFXIV community, Artex and Zro, are leaving the officer team after deciding to step away from FFXIV. Both of these guys have volunteered A LOT of time and the FFXIV community wouldn't be what it is without their contributions. I would encourage anyone who has enjoyed their time with Aureus Knights in FFXIV to reach out and thank these guys. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their service to the guild.

    Artex is one of the most unique officers we've ever had across the entire 10 year history of the guild. He brought a unique perspective to every discussion and debate the team had during his tenure. He was constantly making sure the voice of all members was heard and went out of his way to ensure all angles were considered.

    Zro is a quiet pillar of the FFXIV community. He is humble and I suspect doesn't even realize the impact his constant and dedicated presence has had to this community. Where Artex was about making sure voices were heard, Zro represented maintaining common sense and a level head no matter how heated or silly discussions got. Sometimes we'd be having a debate and be knee deep, lost in the details and a simple few words from Zro would pull us back and remind us that we're just talking about building a community where we have fun.

    On a personal note I met both of these guys during our AKS Meetup in Philly and they were both great guys. That meet up was a turning point for the way I think about this community, that day there was a mental and emotional shift for me from this being a group of people I game with to the realization that this is an extended part of my family. I'm very much glad these two very different guys were part of that.

    Artex. Zro. Thank you both for everything you've done and no doubt will do for us in the future.

    - RJO, Officer of AKS
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    Taas Taru, White Mage (FFXIV)
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    Proud member of the lala master race


  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to RJO For This Useful Post:

    E'hosmer (06-21-2016), Gwen (06-21-2016), Kowh (06-21-2016), Ladorak Eqoa (07-14-2016), Mordannus (06-21-2016), Okaria (06-21-2016)

  3. #2
    SUBSEQUENTLY Gwen's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of an Era in FFXIV - Thank You to Zro and Artex

    This post makes me teary-eyed.

    I wanted to post some nice thoughts here about you two dudes, but it felt too much like saying goodbye, and I know that's not the case, since I talk to both of you in Discord all the time and will probably play games with you later today.

    Hopper, you're a great friend, and I think you and my husband make a lovely couple. Artex, there's no one as Artex as you are, so please keep Artexing the way you Artex. Thank you both for everything, especially just being who you both are.

    I'm stoked to continue playing with both of you guys in other games - Overwatch for now, and whatever the next big thing is in the future.
    PSN: agent_00negative
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  4. #3
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    Default Re: End of an Era in FFXIV - Thank You to Zro and Artex

    Artex, you were always the most unique and entertaining moderator I have had the pleasure of meeting. It's a shame to lose you from XIV. Maybe I'll see you around in some other game.

    Zro, I always feel like I never got to know you that much, but you were a good guy in my book. Here's hoping that you two find some more enjoyment with other games.


  5. #4
    Things. Shivo's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of an Era in FFXIV - Thank You to Zro and Artex

    Two guys who impacted my video game activities and life heavily. Wouldn't have rather raided and shared experiences with any two other people the past few years.

    As much shit as I always publicly gave Gartex, I trusted him on many levels I never trusted friends in real life with tasks I wanted accomplished, or just thoughts in general. Dudes a great guy, he's a dork, but will quietly be one of my favorite guys I've ever met.

    As for Hop, I'd never been a part of this if it wasn't for him, literally can be everybody's best friend. I don't need to go in detail, you either know hop or you don't.



  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Shivo For This Useful Post:

    RJO (06-22-2016)

  7. #5
    Twatwaffle Ayuna's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of an Era in FFXIV - Thank You to Zro and Artex

    Massive thanks to both of you, you've been great officers. I wish I could have gotten to talk to both of you guys more to be honest. But as Gwen said it's not a final goodbye, i'm sure you will all be around in AKS for a long time to come, just maybe in in FF14 so much But thanks to both of you for your awesome service as officers.

  8. #6
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    Default Re: End of an Era in FFXIV - Thank You to Zro and Artex

    Sad to seem them leave ff14, both were great officers. Was glad to spend a lot of time gaming with them both. Artex was the one to get me my first turn 9 clear back in the day and was helpful to a lot of knights getting there primal clears. Zro was very much the weekend crew doing roulettes on sunday. Thank you to you both you'll be missed in ff14

  9. #7
    Neophyte Coma's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of an Era in FFXIV - Thank You to Zro and Artex

    i will never forget the t5 fun nights with artex and friends. hope both enjoy on what their doing. thanks both for all you've done.



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