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  1. #1
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    Default By request: Korax mnk opener

    Three things:

    1. You always start with form shift x3 (10 sec tank countdown is enough for no delay)
    2. You always have chakra V at the start
    3. You'll notice no potions in my opener. ALL raids (coil/Savage) have been about 10/10:30 min enrages. HQ pots are 4:30 recast. You will get two uses only and i think there is a better time to use them if you so choose. If you must use one at the start for some reason you can pop it in between the first and second snap punch. Personally i like to wait. Your second internal release is going to come up about 20 seconds before your blood for blood. I generally pop a pot a GCD after i pop internal release for the second time. This allows you to immediately pop blood for blood when it comes up (as your pot will have just fallen off) for a long DMG bonus. I save ZERO cool downs for the most part as mnk unless a situation makes me as the boss will disappear or something. More uses equals more damage, period.

    Depending on SKS the last demolish in this rotation (and the dragon kick you must use next) will either just fall off or will be put back up perfectly. IMO there is no more efficient way to open as mnk. You can argue what you want about swapping my blood for blood and internal release but it works perfectly for how i use pots and you will still have both bonuses for ALL of the opening rotation.

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    Aishiteru (05-17-2016), Zygous (05-15-2016)

  3. #2
    Guild Maid Zro's Avatar
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    Default Re: By request: Korax mnk opener

    Mmadu is lying.

    It's Punch-Punch-Punch. Punchity-Punch-Punch. And make sure to wear Trick-or-Treat Pumpkins on your hands.

  4. #3
    Knight E'hosmer's Avatar
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    Default Re: By request: Korax mnk opener

    I'll have to give this a try before doing the whole B4B before IR argument, etc etc.



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