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  1. #1
    Knight Alpha_Gold's Avatar
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    Exclamation Your Daily Dose of "WTF JAPAN?!"

    You know, I struggled with what to call this thread. "Girls treated like animals for entertainment", seemed a bit too dire even though that would not be an inaccurate description. Below is a trailer for an actual game that is coming out in Japan called, "Uma Musume Pretty Derby." It seems Japan accels at two kinds of innovation: technology and coming up with things for girls to do that are somehow even MORE degrading than porn.

    Tyden Velryn on FFXIV
    Drovax on Wildstar

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Alpha_Gold For This Useful Post:

    Okaria (03-28-2016)

  3. #2

    Default Re: Your Daily Dose of "WTF JAPAN?!"


    Can you gamble on this?

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Mordannus For This Useful Post:

    RJO (04-09-2016)

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