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  1. #1

    Default WildStar goes F2P in 2 hours. Who else is going back?

    I'm downloading now and will likely be putting some time back into WS over the next few weeks. Anyone else giving it another look?

  2. #2

    Default Re: WildStar goes F2P in 2 hours. Who else is going back?

    I thought I could already smack my head against arbitrary walls meant to make things more "hardcore" for free already. Not sure I need software for that same experience.

  3. #3
    Guild Member Jhennauchan's Avatar
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    Default Re: WildStar goes F2P in 2 hours. Who else is going back?

    I'm definitely considering it... I wasn't interested in paying money for what looked to be a totally unfulfilling endgame, but with the current lull in FFXIV I am downloading the client as we speak and trying to decide what I want my character to actually be. I'm willing to try it for free.

  4. #4
    Champion of Casuals Bigcedric's Avatar
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    Default Re: WildStar goes F2P in 2 hours. Who else is going back?

    Having to pay for the game isn't what made me stop playing it. There's a lot I really wanted to like about the game, but hardly any of it panned out. I might give it a download to see if any of the "major changes" really make the game more fun.
    Steam: Bigcedric --- XBL: Bigcedric --- PSN: Bigcedric88

  5. #5
    Knight E'hosmer's Avatar
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    Default Re: WildStar goes F2P in 2 hours. Who else is going back?

    With the lull in FFXIV it is tempting to go back, but I assume it's a hard reset and none of the characters are there?

  6. #6

    Default Re: WildStar goes F2P in 2 hours. Who else is going back?

    Nope. Your old toons are still there. There have been some gear changes and more content was released, so you'll probably have some catching up to do, but if you want to play your old character it is there waiting for ya.



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