A Korean MMO that's been out a few years and is hitting stateside early 2016. It's F2P but closed beta is starting this fall for people who throw a bit of cash at it (usual Founder's pack stuff).
It plays somewhat like Tera, in that it's fast paced non-locked target combat with attack/block/counter type moves. The "vibe" is a kung-fu movie / ninja anime - you can run up walls, across water ectect. There's the usual fare of questing, dungeons ect. PVP is activated by putting on your faction's gear, and you can choose to fight it out or do pvp quest hubs.
5min vid that covers the tl;drs:
Trailer for newest raid content:
I'll be getting my kung-fu on. I was curious if anyone else will be? The founder's pack thingies are here.