When game came out, it was easier to know what had to be done. Endgame was not what it is today. You had to farm AK or WP, and get light or Mytho... That was it. AAAAAH, good old times !
When you clear dungoens or raids, you get tomes (dungeons / raid currency). There are 2 kind of tomes:
1. weakest tomes are unlimited. Meaning, you can get as much as you can in a week. They cap at 2000, but if you spend some, you may farm some more. Currently, these tomes are Soldiery tomes.
2. stronguest tomes are limited to 450/week. After you get 450 of these tomes, you can't get more. It will reset every tuesday at 11h00 AM EAST time (New-York). Currently, these tomes are Poetics.
If you want to gear up fast, here are a few tips :
1. Do the main story quests until your gear is too weak to complete them. Then, you want to gear up. Focus on clearing main story quests until it's fully completed. So return in story when your gear is high enough. Doing this main story will get you clear the dungoens and primals you need later on. (to get gear)
2. Try to unlock Duty-Roulette High level dungoens, and later, unlock duty-roulette Expert... and Trial. These 3, if done daily, will get you the tomes needed for the gear. By doing dungoens, you get tomes (dungeons currency). But doing them with duty-roulette.. it will give you extra tomes as a bonus. So you can get tomes faster. Then, you use these tomes to buy gear.
3. To gear up fast : You want to invest your tomes on your right side (accessories). Try to invest your best tomes (poetics) in BiS accessories, and use the other tomes (soldiery) in the accessories you know you will have to replace soon enough. Remember, Poetics will take Soldiery place in 3.0 expension and another type of tomes will replace the poetics as the best tomes spot !
4. since wepeon is your main item, i would also suggest you use your tomes to get your wepeon as your first item. A bit more expensive, but the faster you get your wep, the easier it will be to clear story quests and dungeons... There are 2 wepeons you can buy. One with the best tome, and the other with the other tome. Each of them can also be upgraded. To upgrade you need an item dropped from 24 men raid. As of now, second best wep you can get is the upgraded wep from poetic tomes. 1300 poetic + encrypted stones (you get from 24 men raids weekly quest). Best wep of game is from FCoB, T13 (hardest content of game for now. Not for level 50 n00bs. The relic weps are very good also, some will prefer the relic over the poetic and even FCoB.
Just keep in mind that if you do choose the relic route, you will have to grind A LOT to get best upgrade on it. It is a HUGE time sink... and when i say time sink.. it's an understatement. ITs more like a black hole time sink... In other words, if you don't have much time in game, i suggest you avoid touching the relic. Wait the 3.0 expension and see if the new relics will be worth it. Anyway, 3.0 is coming soon, you will have enough on your plate outside the relic hunt, trust me.
5. For your left side (body armor...) try to clear 24 men raids. Currently, there are 3 raids with 24 men, with different level of difficulties. These places have about 5 bosses to be killed. Each boss will drop an item that your job can use, but these items are only on left side. There are no accessories in these places. Obviously, the easiest 24 men raid (CT) will drop lowest gear (leve80)... After you have ST (drop gear level 100) and finally, WoD (level 120). You can get as many items you can by farming these places.
But as a reference for the future, usually, the hardest 24 men raid will have a weekly restriction. That means once you get an item in this place, you can't get another item in same week. It's 1 item/week. Also, i would strongly suggest to try entering hardest of the 3, since the items you get will be better.
PLEASE NOTE : poeple in 24 men raids don't give a F*** about your gear. IT is very, VERY low perssure environnement. No one will point finger at you because you got weak gear. So, that's why you must try and get in the hardest of the 3, to get best gear as possible.
Also, there is a quest in Morh-Dona that you get. This quest, once you complete the 3 raids, will get you an item that you later use to upgrade your poetic items (even to get your wepeon 130). You get to do this quest once every week.
So, in 2 weeks of game, you will end up having a level gear of about 115-120. This is enough to enter ALL content in game, except, perhaps, the hardest content, wich is, for now, FCoB (Final Coil of Bahamut). You will have a decent i-level of gear, but they are FAR from being your best in slot. So, even if you do enter FCoB, i wouln't recommend do this now. You been only playing 2 week. Give it time![]()
But i'd say, for a 2 weeks of grind, a pretty fast way to gear up. Now, focus in getting better gear. As for now, best gear are from upgraded poetics and FCoB. An interesting option for your wep would be to get a Shiva wep (primal XM). i-level 115. Fight is farely easy and fun.
You may use this site to see your BiS gear :
Also, gear is not the end of the world. Enjoy game, and try to learn your role/job more then just getting gear asap. You will find it less stressful and eventually, when you join a static, you will have more fun and feel appreciated more.
Also, there is the side story quest (Hidibrand).. it's a fun one.. i sugest you focus on story first, gear afer :P
Sun Ja