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  1. #1
    Champion of Casuals Bigcedric's Avatar
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    Default ***State of the Guild Updates***

    ArcheAge is the type of game with an ever-shifting community and the occasional political drama. The officer team will use this thread to provide updates about where the guild stands currently and what we are continuing to work towards. If you ever have questions or concerns, please contact an officer at any time.
    Steam: Bigcedric --- XBL: Bigcedric --- PSN: Bigcedric88

  2. #2
    Champion of Casuals Bigcedric's Avatar
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    Default Re: ***State of the Guild Updates***

    Here's a copy/paste of the first post, originally made by RJO at the following link.

    Good evening knights,

    As we approach a week of ArcheAge being live I thought I’d take some time to post some thoughts on the chapter and share some updates coming out of our officer meeting last night.

    General Update

    The chapter has been a great success so far. We’ve had a great balance of recruits and members enjoying the game working together to do all kinds of awesome things. We have just scratched the surface on what the game has to offer and we’ve got some great ideas on how we can start to take our participation in PvP and trade/commerce to the next level.

    The Guild We Want to Be

    Aureus Knights has always been a guild about conducting ourselves with honour and differentiating ourselves by being an awesome community. We’ve been discussing internally at length what that means in a PvP sandbox game and coming out of the officer meeting yesterday we now have a relatively clear position of where we want to be.

    Our intention in ArcheAge is to become a guild who is regarded highly by both our faction and the enemy faction. Our goal is to operate as White Knights - a guild that can be relied on by friends and allies to use our highly organized structure to benefit both trade and PvP gameplay. We want our members and our guild to hold itself to a high standard.

    We will be rolling out some very straight forward guidelines over the next few days about what this means exactly (spoiler alert - it won’t involve trolling members of our own faction). We’ve always strived to keep our rules straight forward and do everything we can do stay out of our member’s hair and let them enjoy the game in anyway they choose (within reason). In this type of game we feel the guild’s reputation has a larger impact on how the guild interacts with the game so we are taking a step in the direction of codifying our expectations.

    I promise we’ve gone out of our way to make sure this isn’t overly restrictive and we will do everything we can to be as open as possible in how we approach the game. Stay tuned for more on this.


    As a guild we generally shy away from alliances. The truth is we generally don’t need them and operate much better enjoying the game within our own four walls. Our experience with alliances in the past have been mixed so we’ve been very careful with how we approach alliances in ArcheAge.

    At this juncture we will be allying ourselves with Ridiculously Good Looking and that’s it. We will be open to future alliances but the bedding in process will be extensive for any future partners. We have decided to pursue an alliance with RGL as they’ve gone above and beyond to help us in all facets of the game.

    To be clear: Our priority will always be to operate OUR way and on OUR terms. We will only deal with groups we have 100% confidence that will compliment us.

    Relations With Other Guilds

    Outside of alliances we’ve had many questions about kill on sight lists, relations with guilds on both the east and the west. We have a few things to point out in this regard.

    Kill on Sight - we will not be pursuing a KoS policy against any guild. We will treat all East guilds as enemies (because we are proud Nuians, duh!). We are taking this stance to ensure we don’t bite off more than we can chew. There will be same faction guilds who engage us and we will answer in kind but we will not making an overt statement that will invite unwanted attention (possibly biting off more than we can chew) that will provoke other entities to seek out our members

    Relationships/Guild Tracking/Enemies - Internally the officer team will be maintaining notes on all guilds we encounter (good/bad/otherwise) and we will share a summarized and generalized view of these notes. Our goal is to provide a rating for guilds on a simple scale: Enemy - Friendly - Allied. This will allow us to denote guilds we have had positive or negatives interactions with without getting in to too many details or provide details that would prove offensive to people browsing our forums for intel.

    That’s all for now - I have much more to type up, so please stay tuned.

    On behalf of the ArcheAge chapter officer team,
    -Ryan / RJO
    Steam: Bigcedric --- XBL: Bigcedric --- PSN: Bigcedric88

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  4. #3
    Champion of Casuals Bigcedric's Avatar
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    Default Re: ***State of the Guild Updates***

    ---Update for 10/4/2014---

    We are now three in weeks from Head Start, and the guild and game are thriving! There's some notes from the officer team we'd like to pass along about the current state of the guild.

    -Current Major Projects-

    We are continuing to build our naval fleet by working on additional merchant ships. We are also working on getting marine housing and bungalows. Organized Freedich runs are being held with good frequency and are helping to get a lot of projects done. You can find details about the trade runs here.

    In addition to these gilda star expenditures, we're also gearing up towards castle prep. We have folks working toward the necessary proficiencies, collecting materials, and collecting gold. For more info about the castle prep, you can look here.

    -Status of Guild Politics-

    We are continuing to work in partnership with Ridiculously Good Looking, which has greatly benefited both of our guilds. There are some important things we need to understand about this relationship, though.

    • The guilds are on equal footing and neither is dependant on the other.
    • While we work with RGL, they do not represent us.
    • If RGL puts another guild on KoS, that does not mean we also have them on KoS.
    • Our priority is always the best interests of our guild and we will always put that ahead of any alliance.

    RGL has helped us immensely in various ways, but there have been concerns about their interactions with other guilds on the server. We will continue to stand with them and work together towards the future in the game. It is important to remember that we are our own guild, though. We need to make sure that we can survive independently when we need to. The officers are always monitoring various situations and will continuously explore the options that are in the best interest of the guild.

    -Inter-faction Interactions-

    Recently there was an incident where our guild was inadvertently brought into a conflict with several other guilds on the server. We strive to be a guild that is respected by our peers and can be someone that others look to for support. In this vein, we want to avoid wars with other guilds in our faction. Obviously there are troll guilds and guilds working toward piracy. Against these guilds, we will always defend ourselves. That doesn't always mean putting their guild on a Kill on Sight (KoS) list, though. There is something to be said for taking the high road. We will never tell our members how to play, and if you feel threatened you should always stand your ground, but taking the more peaceful and friendly route has earned us a good reputation. This is the reputation we want to build upon, and starting wars with various guilds can only harm this.

    As you have positive or negative interactions with members of various guilds, make sure to chronicle them here. Officers are always available to speak to other guilds as needed. If you are having a problem, let us know. Try to avoid going to faction chat or approaching officers of other guilds on your own.

    -Guild Roster-

    RJO (Ryan/Taas) is going to be taking a break from some of the admin duties of the guild. He still loves us with all his heart, but he is going to take some time for himself. For the time being, I (Geoff/Bigcedric) will be taking over as the acting guild leader. This doesn't change anything in the policies or approach of the guild, and all officers are still available when needed.

    We are still openly recruiting and welcome all new members. As you interact with other players, make sure to keep the AKS vibe positive. If you see anyone unguilded that you feel might make a good addition to the guild, feel free to approach them or invite them to speak to an officer. We have begun to pick up members from some other guilds, but we are never actively trying to poach anyone. Our good reputation and great members just tend to bring new people in. Information about our recruitment and links to threads you can constructively bump to help out can be found here.

    If you are at the Unprocessed rank in the guild, make sure to speak with an officer to start your recruit trial. More details about the trial process can be seen in the thread here.

    We will be exploring expanding the Chapter Officer team in the future. As we begin that process, we may reach out to specific people or put up an application process. Please stay tuned for further details.

    -In Conclusion-

    We're having a ton of fun in the game and love where the guild is right now. There's a ton of great new members and a lot of Knights from previous games that are making this chapter great! We look forward to great things to come!

    On behalf of the officer team, thank you for being a part of the Aureus Knights,
    Steam: Bigcedric --- XBL: Bigcedric --- PSN: Bigcedric88

  5. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Bigcedric For This Useful Post:

    Fattierob (10-05-2014), Kilorn (10-10-2014), Kiylie (10-06-2014), Mordannus (10-05-2014), Nalani (10-05-2014), Nith (10-05-2014), northerner (10-06-2014), reddragn87 (10-05-2014), RJO (10-05-2014)

  6. #4
    Champion of Casuals Bigcedric's Avatar
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    Default Re: ***State of the Guild Updates***

    ---11/2/2014 Update - Pre-Auroria---

    The launch of Auroria is nigh!

    It's the moment we've been waiting for! The officer team would like to provide an update as to where the guild stands right now and how you can prepare for the fun on 11/4!

    -Current Major Projects-

    The main focus right now is on castle prep. We've got the gold necessary and a lot of people with the proficiencies required for the construction of various elements. For more info about the castle prep, you can look here.

    To coincide with the castle prep, we are also planning on laying down propery in Auroria to hold land for the eventual placement of our Guild Hall. We are collecting various designs and tax certificates. If you are interested in contributing to that project, you can find more info here.

    -Status of Guild Politics-

    We currently do not have any official affiliation with any other guilds on the server. We continue to maintain friendly relationships with the majority of the guilds on our server, but do not have any alliances in place. This is something that the officer team is working on, and there may be more news in the near future.

    -Preparations for Auroria Launch-

    Auroria is set to unlock on November 4th. The most important thing to do to prepare for it is to be online for it and have a positive attitude! In addition to that, we also have a thread up that outlines some personal preparation you can do. It lets you know what sort of equipment and consumables would be a good idea to have ready for that day. You can find that info here.

    The officer team has been working on planning strategies for the launch and have been coordinating with other guilds to make sure we've got the best chance at claiming one of the four castles available. The thread outlining our tactics can be found here.

    If you cannot see that thread, it means that you do not have the proper permissions on the forums. If you are currrently a Knight in game, please reach out to an officer to get the proper rank set here. If you are a Recruit or Unprocessed in the game, you will not have access to the War Room until you have fully passed your recruit trial.

    -Guild Roster-

    Recruitment is still fully open. Keep reaching out to players that you feel may be a good fit for the guild. As always, our great sense of community and helpful members are our selling points. It's always great to keep our recruitment thread on the server forums constructively bumped as well. That thread can be found here.

    If you are at the Unprocessed rank in the guild, make sure to speak with an officer to start your recruit trial. More details about the trial process can be seen in the thread here.

    We have expanded the Chapter Officer team recently, adding Nith and Mordannus to the team. They have done a great job so far, and we are very excited to see what the future holds.

    -In Conclusion-

    We're extremely excited for the launch of Auroria and look forward to the events that day will hold! If you've got any questions about it, please let any officer know.
    Steam: Bigcedric --- XBL: Bigcedric --- PSN: Bigcedric88

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    Ade (11-03-2014), Mordannus (11-03-2014), Nalani (11-03-2014), Nith (11-03-2014), Rylas (11-03-2014)

  8. #5
    Champion of Casuals Bigcedric's Avatar
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    Default Re: ***State of the Guild Updates***

    ---11/5/2014 Update - Post-Auroria---

    The Auroria launch has happened! While we unfortunately were not unable to get our own castle, due to the surprising coordination coming out of the East, we were integral in making sure the West got two castles. We reacted quickly once we got to the mine and were able to secure a good quantity of pebbles. This allowed us to give Ironfist the extra help they needed to secure a castle for our faction. We're exceptionally proud of the work we did, and we have earned the appreciation and respect of many throughout the server.

    Now that everything has shaken out, it's time to plan for the future!

    Castle Siege Preparation

    We may not have a castle now, but in six weeks, we'll see if we can change that! The gold we had raised for making the castle pack will be saved for future use in bidding on a castle siege. Various trade runs will also be done to earn additional money. Work on siege weapons and other necessary components/consumables will begin as we get closer to that time. Honing our PvP skills will also be a big part of this preparation. A lot more details about this will be discussed in the War Room as time progressed.

    Constructing a Guild Hall

    We will be using land in Auroria to place down our giant Guild Hall. We already have most of the necessary resources, but will need to shore up some more Gilda. There will be more info up regarding the trade runs necessary for it. Placement and construction of the Guild Hall will be a special event, filled with screenshots and merriment!

    Weekly Guild Events

    In addition to starting trade runs back up, we'll also be looking to do two official events each week. One night will always be devoted to PvP, be it 5v5 arena practice or open world fighting. Another night will be devoted to PvE or gearing up, including Hasla and Serpentis runs. There aren't set nights in mind yet, and it could vary week to week.

    Continued Land Grabs

    Land is expiring all over the Western continent and some folks may not stick around on Auroria to build their new stuff. We will work as a guild to try to secure as many sections of land in the world as we can. We hope we can distribute land to those that have been unable to acquire some on their own, as well as create some guild farming areas for larger projects.

    Continued Recruiting

    There's most likely going to be a fair amount of shake up with various guilds on the server. We will continue open recruitment and offer a home for those still looking for active, friendly guilds to play the game with. We're planning on being here for the long run and steady growth of the guild will help keep us going!

    In Conclusion

    We had a lot of fun during the Auroria rush and showed a lot of what we are capable of! There's still a lot to do in the game, and we look forward to experiencing it all with the great guild we've going here!
    Steam: Bigcedric --- XBL: Bigcedric --- PSN: Bigcedric88

  9. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Bigcedric For This Useful Post:

    Gimthen (11-06-2014), Nalani (11-06-2014), Nith (11-06-2014), Rylas (11-05-2014), Sabine (11-06-2014), Trisity (11-06-2014), Zaralina (11-05-2014)



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