Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
A wise man once said "A guild that isn't growing, is a guild that is dying".
Recruiting is an important part of sustaining our Chapters. Luckily recruiting is one of the areas that everyone can and is encouraged to help out. Before I give some tips on how you can help recruit, a little bit of a word on what type of person we are looking for.
What type of recruit does the Aureus Knights look for?
This one is a lot simpler than you might imagine: Someone you'd like to play with. The thing that sets Aureus Knights apart from other guilds is that we are a community of friends that lives beyond any one game. The idea is to create connections and friendships that will last not just in this chapter but in the next and the next one and who knows, maybe you'll even invite a Knight or two to your wedding.
So when out in the world playing ask yourself: Is this person I'm about to pitch the guild to someone I and my fellow Knights would enjoy having around?
And now, how can you help out with recruiting?
Always be on the prowl in game
When you are out grouping or questing be on the look out for potential recruits. This doesn't mean you have to be selling the guild to every single person you see but if you find someone who stands out, even if they are already wearing a guild tag, mention that you are part of a great guild that is always looking for a solid member. You can point them towards the website, an officer, or our ventrilo. Anything you can do to create a connection with them that keeps us in their mind and makes it easy for them to follow up.
Bump Them Threads
One of our most reliable sources of recruitment is our recruitment threads on various forums around the internet. We'd ask that our members "constructively bump" these threads as often as they are comfortable and in a manner that doesn't make you look like a dirty spammer.
Official Forums
Wildstar Central
Wildstar Core
Wildstar Forums (Curse)
Tell Your Friends
Probably the easiest to do but most often overlooked recruitment method - TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Do you have some buddies who are playing? Point them here and get them involved in our community. You love it here, why wouldn't they?
A final thought...
Recruitment really is something that everyone can get involved with. I know people have different comfort levels but any contribution you make to bringing fresh blood in to the guild goes a long way.
Another really important thing to remember is that despite we are a rather large guild it's never about numbers. Quality should always be our primary driver when it comes to recruits.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
We have a handful of recruitment threads up now!
On any of these URLs where you are already a member please go share your thoughts about the guild and your experiences with us. Your stories will help bring on the next generation of W* members!
Official Forums
Wildstar Central
Wildstar Core
Wildstar Forums (Curse)
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
We're also up on Reddit, if you'd like to toss a few upvotes.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Another official forum post bump here.
Please take the time to give these some love!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Hey everyone - since we are now in open beta mode please make sure you stop by these forums often to share the AKS Love with the wider world!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Hi all,
Please bump our recruitment threads! The wildstar official forums and wildstar-central in particular are very important to keep bumped. If we want to keep the new blood coming in everyone has to participate and help out!
Official Forums
Wildstar Central
Wildstar Core
Wildstar Forums (Curse)
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
I just bumped all the threads again. Throughout this weekend and all of next week, there's going to be a lot of folks looking to find their release guild. Let's ensure we have a great community ready for launch and keep these recruitment threads near the top of the forums for potential recruits to see!
You don't need to bump constantly or with fluff, but please feel free to share some stories of your time in the guild or activities you are looking forward to tackling with everyone in AKS.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
We are in the home stretch folks!
This week is key so please bump these threads. We would greatly appreciate if you take the time to register on these forums and share your thoughts on being a member or recruit of AKS!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
New reddit thread to celebrate our server, please upvote:
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Ryan, I think they removed your thread because you put the server name and not the type of server; ie: PVP, PVE etc...
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
And we have a Thunderfoot official forum post up:
Please constructively and gently keep it bumped!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Originally Posted by
bumped as oiskaio
Hey E'hosmer I think you've got a typo in your link to the AKS page.
Do they have an approval delay for posts? I've been trying to post something but it doesn't seem to be sticking.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Oh ok there it goes. I guess it didn't like me using the Post button on the quick reply window. Had to go into the more reply options instead.
Aaand gently bumped :)
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Originally Posted by
Hey E'hosmer I think you've got a type in your link to the AKS page.
Do they have an approval delay for posts? I've been trying to post something but it doesn't seem to be sticking.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Well RJO I clicked on the link above and now somehow I'm logged into someones account by the name of Shiny on the forum.
That's a scary bug.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Don't forget to swing by the official forums and share your AKS experiences with everyone:
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
I, um, recruited myself back to AKS. Does that count? :fry:
(Assuming you'll have a ne'er do'well like myself back)
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Thanks =)
If someone could send me an invite... I'm cleverly disguised as "noptov"
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
There's a guild list thread up on the Thunderfeets official forum that we should probably post in. I'd do it but I'm a nublet and don't know some of the information they're asking for.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Heya folks. Joined you guys this weekend in Wildstar. Got an invite and just wondering what I need to do to get promoted up. Haven't played with you all since warhammer on-line days. Char name is Iliff.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Originally Posted by
Heya folks. Joined you guys this weekend in Wildstar. Got an invite and just wondering what I need to do to get promoted up. Haven't played with you all since warhammer on-line days. Char name is Iliff.
Remind any officer next time you are on and we'll get ya promoted.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Originally Posted by
Heya folks. Joined you guys this weekend in Wildstar. Got an invite and just wondering what I need to do to get promoted up. Haven't played with you all since warhammer on-line days. Char name is Iliff.
Please set your member note to your forum name and we will get you promoted
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
I went ahead and posted in Thunderfeets's guild list thread. If someone could go in there and check to make sure I didn't completely misrepresent the guild, I'd appreciate it.
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
I went through and bumped all threads. Thanks for those that have bumped the official forums for the past month. Let's keep it up and make sure we're still growing as the game continues on!
Re: Recruitment is our life blood - YOU can help!
Our old thread, along with all other recruitment threads, has been locked on the official forums. The link above is the new thread up on our server's Guild Recruitment subforum. If you get a chance, throw in a testimonial. Let's continue to grow and make sure this chapter sees continued success!