While You Are Bored At Work...
Let's chat here! This way Zen and I don't keep taking over everyone's "serious" threads :P BTW, my friend door is starting to get squeaky. I think it's been wide open too long and is starting to rust...anyone have some WD40 to make sure it stays squeaky free?
Chop Chop
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Well does that mean your trying to close your friend door? If that's true, then no WD40 for you.. not gonna let you close that door ;)
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Humm I had checked out the IRC once or twice but never saw anyone speaking. Now we're discussing how bad Tal is in there and Radius's stinky feet.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Thing is, sometimes this is blocked by many workplaces, whereas the forums might not be :D
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Lol Amber you are so funny :D
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
LOL no, the door is still open. I just want it working properly in case I need to slam it shut. You know...for safety?
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Originally Posted by
Thing is, sometimes this is blocked by many workplaces, whereas the forums might not be :D
Kheo, I won't forget about you while yacking with the baddies in IRC. Love always, Zen.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Work blocks the forum. :(
Yay for smartphone! If I can read the tiny text. :o
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I take long toilet breaks at work so I can read the forums. Sometimes i just sit on the toilet with my pants on.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Artex... you are so weird.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Omg... Kinda gross but super funny! I almost fell off the stair master reading that!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Artex is "special" and possibly has IBS.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
work won't allow my connection to the server ... WAAAHHHHH!!!! But hi everyone, i'm always bored at work!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I can totally picture you almost falling off Amber. Laughing out loud. And then when someone asks what's so funny you clam up because you don't want them to know you're a nerd.
You're missing out on a sexy convo E'hosmer. RJO and I are discussing how crappy corporations make up for low pay by having food drives and stuff for employees.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Well they block the forums on our computers and i can use my mobile but i cant be seen using my phone all day.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Lol I work with kids so I shouldn't be online :D
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Ah yes, a place where I can procrastinate!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Hahaha!! Zen that is totally me.
Ya I can't be online too much either so yay for the iPhone!
Miana- give them some NyQuil and put them down for nap time then you'll be set!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Ps do you like Sophie's awesome Santa costume?! Lol it has a beard!!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Originally Posted by
Thing is, sometimes this is blocked by many workplaces, whereas the forums might not be :D
Quit your job, take this guild seriously people
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Well, since you told us to... But we don't want to force Kheo back to giving Mickeys in the subway. That was a tough life.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Kheo still gives out HJs, BJs, and ZJs on the subway to fuel his maple syrup injection addition.
The doggie is awesome Amber!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
3 pages in and don't remember anything after "friend door"
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
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Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
^ That is pure boredom gone right.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
It's ok most of it is just banter and random comments to sustain us until we can all hang out and talk on Mumble again. Miss you guys! Lol I think we're all addicted to the game and each other. Does that mean we're lonely losers?
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Wth Zen! It does not look like a dinosaur!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I am addicted to you guys. It's obvious.
How does that not look like a dinosaur? How many dinosaurs have you met?
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Originally Posted by
Kheo still gives out HJs, BJs, and ZJs on the subway to fuel his maple syrup injection addition.
The doggie is awesome Amber!
Whats ZJ? a ZenJob?
If so, god damn, i must be the most awesome maple syrup addict ever!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
If you don't know, then you can't afford it.
Someone else was supposed to ask so you kinda borked it for me Kheo, but that's fine.
It's a Beerfest joke!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
but but, how can I do something that I dont know of?
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
A zen job does sound appealing. Will discuss with you tonight.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I want to be there for that conversation!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Since we were discussing Channing Tatum the other night... here he is on the set of 22 JumpStreet and the video it is a parody of below.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I'm not addicted!! I can quit WHENEVER I WANT!!! *walks away*.....
OK I LIED <3<3<3<3<3 :'(:'(:'(:'(