While You Are Bored At Work...
Let's chat here! This way Zen and I don't keep taking over everyone's "serious" threads :P BTW, my friend door is starting to get squeaky. I think it's been wide open too long and is starting to rust...anyone have some WD40 to make sure it stays squeaky free?
Chop Chop
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Well does that mean your trying to close your friend door? If that's true, then no WD40 for you.. not gonna let you close that door ;)
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Humm I had checked out the IRC once or twice but never saw anyone speaking. Now we're discussing how bad Tal is in there and Radius's stinky feet.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Thing is, sometimes this is blocked by many workplaces, whereas the forums might not be :D
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Lol Amber you are so funny :D
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
LOL no, the door is still open. I just want it working properly in case I need to slam it shut. You know...for safety?
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Originally Posted by
Thing is, sometimes this is blocked by many workplaces, whereas the forums might not be :D
Kheo, I won't forget about you while yacking with the baddies in IRC. Love always, Zen.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...