lol you want to corrupt all the new people? Yet wait, you never tried to corrupt me?
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lol you want to corrupt all the new people? Yet wait, you never tried to corrupt me?
A doctor will not try to heal one who is well.
The rat bastards won't let me leave work early to kick off the three day weekend! I miss you too Amber!
Get out of the bathroom and get back to work Artex!
almost to 100pages..
will it be someone who posts from the BATHROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!?
OMG G'artex! I saw you on the Temple show, you are so adorbs! We could make the cutest lil angel blonde babies together :) Good thing I don't want babies, but I am told I have to give Miana one because she actually wants them (gag)
Radius - I can't corrupt someone who is already corrupted... I think the double negative would result in you becoming innocent and incorruptible?
Amber, i thought Zen was your gift to Miana? Before he got dropped on his head!
Dead baby jokes are the best way to start the weekend!
Please, Zen wishes he was lucky enough to be born from this... He would never be so lucky to get close enough to that part of my body (yep, I said it :P)
What part? Your nasty toes? I'm no fungus ma'am.