Everyone is.
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We should do this . . .
Pretty sure we'll never make it past Atomos with the finish it there heh.
So remember how I was all mad because people were mad that I took Christmas Eve off and I got yelled at for it when I came back to work after Christmas? I'm finally training a backup person!
The backup person is my supervisor.
My printer broke.
So "training" today consisted of troubleshooting the printer and eventually replacing it with the one from his desk because neither of us could figure out what was wrong or how to fix it. It took us more than an hour to process four orders, and I'm not sure if I look bad because of it or if the printer looks bad.
You seem like you have your head in the game B'elle so I doubt you can really look bad.
Amber...I miss you. Where have you been?!
I miss you too! <3 I'll be on tonight when I get home from work. Feels like I've been away forever. I'll have to work hard to start corrupting all these new people I keep hearing about. Work has just kept me way too busy so haven't had time to jump online before "bed" but I can stay up late tonight!