It's 35° warmer today than it was yesterday. Hot flash!
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It's 35° warmer today than it was yesterday. Hot flash!
OMG that looks like so much fun to play in. Bad news for the cars of course.
I find it odd that the playground equipment didn't catch nearly as much snow. I guess the cars acted as a windbreak?
Also, I've been significantly less bored at work this week; I started listening to Welcome to Night Vale. Anyone else follow it?
Never heard of that B'elle, what is it?
It's a podcast that's like a cross between A Prairie Home Companion and H.P. Lovecraft.
Mmm I love me some Lovecraft. Will have to check that out.
For Zen, because of last night.
had it stuck in my head alllllllllllllll day. It was a good day ;)
I should never have clicked that ... must find new music so not stuck in my head.
Fyi: Started new thread for those interested in Garuda EM!!!-GARUDA-EM
*edit* I look awesome with moogle ears in my signature.
I know who I want to bring me home...
It's funny I actually read the song was about a guy who just became a parent and he's saying goodbye to his old lifestyle.