Everyone go to this site and pick something you would like to have.
I would like to have the suit pajamas myself
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Everyone go to this site and pick something you would like to have.
I would like to have the suit pajamas myself
Jesus there's a lot of awesome stuff on there. I'd have to have the Workaholics bear coat (birch betta have my honey), star wars sun visor, batman brake light, and the snuggle pillow... so I can mail it to Tim and he won't be lonely anymore.
Nesting knives ftw.
Edit: Also maybe the jellyfish tank.
Also, the poop soap.
Shark sleeping bag. ^_^
Kheo will you walk on water with me in a balloon? We can wear the shark sleeping bags!
I'll use the remote controlled flying shark to chase you two. Kheo's mine btw k thks
Ill walk wherever with you, as long as Zen can come too!! Because i totally know youll be bringing amber so .. yeah!
I would go for a sword umbrella.... wait, already have one.
So I want the Ultimate Computer Station
Miana, there's a shark swimsuit, too. Leaving your legs free might make it easier to control the giant plastic bubble. On the other hand, it would be more fun to watch people flopping around in a sleeping bag inside a bubble, so whichever.