I miss you dirk and pretty much all of you guys!! It hasn't even been a day yet
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I miss you dirk and pretty much all of you guys!! It hasn't even been a day yet
Zen and I finally got loot!!!!
I know miana misses me terribly
<3 I've missed you Dirk! I'm sorry I cheated on you! I had to heal with someone else, I feel dirty. (Sorry Aelya I still love you but we have to keep it on the DL around Dirk)
Miana, I miss you! You should get on Mumble still and let me talk to your mom. You better tell her about how awesome I am and how in love we are. I can't keep holding in this secret, I don't want to hide anymore!
I definitely will Amber :) We will talk later and my mom will get on mumble!
On my way home!
Zen I am gonna have to do a raincheck on the primals real life things have come up
No prob man. Handle what ya gotta handle. I hope you met the man of your dreams.
Not sure if my signature works . . . better test it with a post!