:) <3
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Kheo, I have taken many table flips to the face this christmas day and lived. Titan is just misundertood.
LOL a tank has the easiest job on Titan.... try being a healer who has to move just like everyone else but still keep all those that fail at moving alive. :)
I'd say even with that said I've seen many tanks not use cool downs correctly or commit suicide by walking off the platform(G'artex). Adamant did very well, he even dodged bombs.
I hope you all had a fun holiday yesterday! I went to a friend's house and we made sugar cookies from scratch and lasagna from scratch. I had a lot of fun making and rolling out the pasta ^_^ Tonight I'll be back online if anyone wants to play. Haha well in between loads (of laundry) of course.
Is "rolling out the pasta" code for sex?
HAHAHAHA ZEN!!! Woot, go Tim- you go get you some!
Also happy Boxing Day?
Haha no. I was literally making pasta. . .
No sex for this virgin.
Break out the gloves and we'll box later.
In other news, making pasta is also code for sex.