Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Thankfully, I work for a small family owned company so the closest thing to an IT guy is actually me, which is a good and bad thing. Good in that I'll know if they decide to start monitoring stuff, bad in that every time something messes up they want me to try to fix it. Google people... mkkay?
I'm not really a cat person. Usually I'm perusing Facebook, Reddit, and these forums with occasional visits to The Awesomer, Not Always Right, Steam, and webcomics. This morning though I've been sifting through Amazon for Christmas presents to give my wife, bro in law, and needy peeps.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I've got to head home in a couple hours to make a green bean casserole for our potluck today. Should be good times, I think. Then I've got all kinds of crap to do, and then I've got to do some reporting.
That last part is a mixed bag for me. We'll see how it goes.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Reporting like.... the news?
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Originally Posted by
Reporting like.... the news?
I generally only do a weekly gaming column, but this year I've taken on a story for our 12 Days of Christmas series in which we profile 12 needy families in the area and try to get them some help.
I'm meeting with my assigned family for the second time tonight.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Awwww that's awesome Daku. Link us this stuff!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I'm thankful that I get to stuff my face with turkey the day after tomorrow.
And for you guys <3
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Miana's so sweet.
I'm thankful for a 4 day weekend and not needing anything on black Friday... though my comic shop is having a sale this year and I may try to sneak over that afternoon...
And of course I'm thankful for all of you weirdos, particularly my coil group peeps.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I'm thankful for Amber's butt and her pink pig tails
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
glob glob!! fugu fiiiiiiiiish!!
Thanks giving, if you dont care about it, is it a thanksnotgivingadamn?!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
LOL I'm thankful for Miana's BBT and allowing me to girl crush, Zens smooth jazz voice, Dirks healing and penpal-ness, Tim's FFXIV knowledge and love of friendship, Degru's awesome contagious laughter, Lent's Jewish holiday green hat and background laughter when Miana holds down her mumble key, Victor's "sleeping time" and running through the mobs to avoid getting hit...and my overall awesomeness :)
I'm also very thankful for such an awesome FC that lets me be dorky without a filter!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
No love for me or Aelya?
Fine. No more cat sounds/funny pictures for you. Im boycotting fun in your general direction!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I'm thankful for Kheo and Aelya's syrup which I can eat with my pancakes and waffles every morning!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I am very thankful for your cat sounds Kheo! And Aelya's willingness to speak French to me whenever I ask him :D
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I'm also thankful for Dirk's rage issues which cause me much enjoyment.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Dirk's calm raginess and Degru's laughter make our mumble channel the #1 hot spot nightly.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
The funny thing about all of this is that i've never actually ever ever raged at you. It's all in your head mia
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Im thankfull for.. wait, that was a month ago! I need not break the cycle! More thankfulness in 11months! but I Ice Cream Cones ya'll(Ã* la Zen)
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
It was very real for me Dirk </3
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I'm thankful for whoever my binding boil replacement is. I'm glad you guys can keep running and having fun while I'm away visiting my family.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Haha Dirk, it's the way you're all chill and suddenly I hear "miana you're a total whore". Cracks me up every time.
Kheo, I shall teach you the southern drawl. I try to hide it so hard.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Suuuuuuure you do Zen...sure.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
We will miss you Tim! have fun with your family! Hopefully we replace you with a melee of some sort so I get all the caster loot....I MEAN BYE TIM <3
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Sadly it must be ranged or ADS will be horrible but hopefully Boogey can make it and I'll just share my bard drops that never happen unless there's 2 bards in a group.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I am thankful for Kheo's love of ice cream and funny meows. I am thankful for Aelya's kindness to me in Mumble and making his name so hard I don't know exactly how to pronounce it.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
No one knows how to pronounce it..
Heres what I do.. I start with "Hey" sounds, puke a little in my mouth very fast, then say "Lia"..
Usually works fine. You get used to the vomit taste after a while.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Kheo I just noticed your picture on your post...barf maple syrup? Haha oh you
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Originally Posted by
We will miss you Tim! have fun with your family! Hopefully we replace you with a melee of some sort so I get all the caster loot....I MEAN BYE TIM <3
I'm sorry about lotting on that Allagan headpiece. I lotted hastily out of excitement and I didn't consider your wants and needs.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Lol Tim I don't care I'm just being silly!
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Originally Posted by
Kheo I just noticed your picture on your post...barf maple syrup? Haha oh you
yeah, the whole story about maple syrup coming out from the trees and everything .. its made up story for kids.
we have professionnal barfers that get to produce the maple syrup all year long.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Thats yucky! But its for the kids so hey. .
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I dunno, the real thing involves bleeding gallons and hours of boiling. Quite grisly for kids too, if you conveniently forget that it's tree sap.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
I wonder if Tim would enjoy using maple syrup instead of lotion?
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
He'd probably never be able to let go afterwards. That stuff would be like glue.
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
The brb yanking it would be appropriate though
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
Re: While You Are Bored At Work...
hah, love it. radical to the max.