HAHAHA a sandwich of me would totally be bottom of the pyramid...but, I would taste (and look) awesome rubbed all over in bacon fat. Aelya, that wasn't a letter you sent to the Ho Ho Ho, it was herpes. Mmm Tim totally forgot about Sushi - you win.
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HAHAHA a sandwich of me would totally be bottom of the pyramid...but, I would taste (and look) awesome rubbed all over in bacon fat. Aelya, that wasn't a letter you sent to the Ho Ho Ho, it was herpes. Mmm Tim totally forgot about Sushi - you win.
You would also look great in chocolate pudding.
LOL it really is girly Zen..
I'd like to see her covered in sausage. I hear victor's is great.
Just because it's pink and a girl made it, doesn't mean it's girly. The sig doesn't make the man. The man makes the sig.
Since your lala is a girl I guess it fits.
Dear Amber,
<3 Timothy
LOL I love that commercial Tim
Lol Tim! Totes! Degru- so weird. I think Dirk dresses up like a clown and does bday parties on the weekends. He's all quiet and sweet then just starts yelling and cussing the kids out. :)
That guy in the red has too much teeth and if there was ever a thing I hated in men it would be too much teeth.