Nooo don't quit me Miana!!!!
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Nooo don't quit me Miana!!!!
I wish I could quit yooooouuuu...
I just can't quit you...
I'm sure that's a song but I don't know it so I can't help you sing it.
Ugh, today blows already. Woke up with a headache and can't seem to shake the grogginess. If someone was standing over my shoulder at work, watching me try to type, they'd probably fire me right now.
/ac Leeches Zen
Thanks Zedd, you're a true bro!
Just make sure you don't let your boss see you with those leeches on.. that would be an akward conversation :p
Attachment 1248
Since you put in the t-rex
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holy crap that didnt work
my Unicorn was smashed :holycrap: