Dear Miana,
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard... but my peaches are just for you.
A really stressed Amber who wishes it was the end of the day because it has been a horrible week.
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Dear Miana,
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard... but my peaches are just for you.
A really stressed Amber who wishes it was the end of the day because it has been a horrible week.
Dear Amber,
Soy milkshake?
A wishing it was the end of the day as well Miana
Dear Miana,
Almond milkshakes, since Almond milk is tastier than Soy. You should come drink some, I KNOW you'll enjoy it.
An Amber who wonders why Almond milk tastes better than Soy, but Almond Cheese doesn't taste as good as Soy Cheese.
Dear Amber,
Perhaps I will try it sometime. Until then..What are going to do with all that junk? All that junk inside your trunk?
Dear Miana,
My suggestion would be to invest in a cartop carrier. It would allow you to transport the junk more effectively and reduce excess rear axel strain from the amount of junk currently within your trunk.
Dear Miana,
All my junk inside my trunk isn't as big of an issue as the lumps, my lovely lady lumps. Perhaps a doctor could help with that?
Dear Tim,
Please stop trying to sound reasonable when this thread is everything but. Don't you know we are living la vida loca?
Your tiny dancer
*wonders how they get milk out of almonds*