I like cheese?
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I like cheese?
I love that this thread will never fully go away. It's like you will all have a piece of me forever :)
Do you at least have some fava beans and Chianti with my liver? *meow and hugs*
Amber why didnt you log in for the free weekend? timothy was there and he deeply missed you.
I miss victor :(
Amber is a lame
Why wont you die?!?!?!?
Hug them bees
Our hugebees isn't so happy:
Because the level of "WTF IS THAT?!" is currently too low..
If I youtube, mumble and ffxiv at the same time my rural DSL will implode and take my house with it. Now that I've had a moment to enjoy the video, I have to ask if this from Garuda's younger days as jpop idol?
(fun fact, chicken make that beh-gaaaah bokbokbokbok beh-gah sound when they're laying an egg)
Just want to make sure everyone sees this.
Flashback of Kheo and I taking a nap during Ifrit HM. If you read the FC chat, you can see Dirk and his BFF Emma Darwin chatting it up.
Aw, too bad you don't have one of you two spooning....though a galka spooning a lala, or the other way around...hmmm
I was giving him tips on how to break into the guild bank
<img src="//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-pSaLcbdkcK8/VIHizp-upyI/AAAAAAAAASw/gkYAU_93HaE/w426-h852/2014%2B-%2B1" class="ar Mc" style="max-height:852px; max-width:426px;" itemprop="image">
Zen and Kheo.
Straight truth.
Or maybe not so straight...
Stay the hell out of the wind.
Damn man.... it was 18 degrees here with a 5 degree wind chill when I woke up, but obviously you have it worse. I hated walking my poor freezing pup.
At 23F here at the moment when taking into account wind chill. The dog was chipper; I was not. It does make me think though. At what point would air temperature over balance both the mucous lining and natural blood supply to effectively freeze the lungs?
At the moment if you breath in through your nose, your nostrils can easily freeze shut because you nose hairs ice over from condensation.
Also taking a quick, deep breath will end up in choking, as your lung do not agree with the freezing air that did not get time to warm up on the way down.
Wearing a scarf really helps with breathing.
The real question here is did Aelya make it back to work?!
Because it has been too long!!
This is just .. 1000 musicians playing Learn to Fly by the Foo Fighters.. and .. weirdly, it sounds great!
Kheo bro, I've missed you.
The sync between the drummers is oddly mesmerizing and soothing?
Fuck this thread in its ass ... Die already
It feels like this Monday came too fast.
Saw the new Family Vacation movie over the weekend. Pretty hilarious.