Sometimes you just gotta creep.
Did you fools see The Other Guys? Michael Keaton did some awesomely subtle TLC lines.
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Sometimes you just gotta creep.
Did you fools see The Other Guys? Michael Keaton did some awesomely subtle TLC lines.
hahaha yeah it was awesome!!
I was like "ok he's just crazy" when i watched it in french.. but once i got a glimpse of it in english, it allllllllllll made more sense ^_^
So, it's the middle of summer and our high today is 62! How crazy is that?! We go from the 80s to the 60s in a day... Ya, I'm bored and talking about the weather, how is everyone's day going?
I want to quit my job.
So do it, and become a full time gamer. Your parents have a basement right?
We can't have basements in South Texas. We're below sea level, so they flood. Also, I have a house, now, and it's glorious. Alas, no basement.
Well darn, where do you hide all of your dead bodies then?
They added some new things. Pick your favorites
I like the interactive cloud lamp and the star trek enterprise pizza cutter
Jetpack(obviously), color changing shower head, mini jellyfish tank, USB wall outlets(holy crap I need to get these), moving ink blot masks(because Rorschach was the best on Watchmen).
Obvious must haves
Teehee there are so many funny things on there!! Pet Hoodies, so Sophie can be a true "G". OMG, a Crib Dribbler?! That is the reason people like me shouldn't have kids - I would totally do that. Throw em in there, set them up with a hamster like water bottle and perhaps one that dispenses cheerios?! Oh, and you'd throw in the mustache pacifier just for giggles. You're welcome world for me not reproducing...
omg! cloud lamp!!! Shut up and take my money
Transformers Optimus Prime pen. if my wife wouldn't kill me, I'd buy one right now.
Speaking of buying stuff, we just bought her a new car. :) Blue Hyundai Elantra
Grats! Nice car :) I really want their Tucson for my next vehicle, I'm so over my car and really need a manageable SUV for the winters up here.
im looking forward to buy either a Tucson or Edge next year. They're awesome and fun to drive!
Dirk and I both have Toyota Rav4s. Matching with leopard print interior in mine and zebra print in his. Amazing looks aside, it's a good SUV.
Thing is I have 2 dogs, and plan on having a kid(twins hopefully) in a near future, so need enough room for all those little legs!!
For Edge's got a good size for that, Tucson is a bit smaller but less pricey.. 7 passengers would be the most nicest things, but, for the everyday rides and the low long-travels with kids and dogs we'll do (once every month and a half maybe), not quite worth it. Plus, the parking where I park when I come go to work is soooooo narrow.. i have a Mazda3, and I can barely squeeze it between a concrete pillar and the other car.. so .. yeah .. GO PRACTICAL!!
My girlfriend has an Edge, and it's a fantastic vehicle. I highly recommend it.
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Japanese Manga Text book of Basic English...
on the side note, my new car
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I'm like amber and totally over my car - i totally foresee it breaking down in the next few years.
Unlike Kheo I will never have kids but still want an SUV. I could care less about space because Sophie fits fine in my little car now but I really need 4wd for the winters. I haven't really looked into the Edge - I never see those around. I used to like the Nissan Rogue until they changed it this year and made it super ugly and minivan looking. Oh - I like the new Rav4, they're pretty nice. The ones without the tire on the back - I hate jeeps so why drive a car that looks like one with a ugly tire on your trunk?!
BTW - Kheo, don't be a loser and "plan" on having a kid... Be like an American and just have them by accident :)
Nice car Arion.
I think your sister needs to know what you have planned for her.
We don't plan as in "Ok, for the next month, let's try, then take a break", then try again.. we just havent started trying yet, cause work and stress and stuff, it'd probably wouldnt work out anyway.
It's just that we know, sometimes in the next year, it will happen ;)
wait where's mine plot 13 bank roll badge?
It, like the money you contributed, is imaginary.
He forgot to mention it's also like E's friends...
I'd like to drive a fully loaded infiniti FX 50
problem is the 80k price tag
While I'm sure that having children would warm the otherwise shriveled cockles of my heart, I don't think I can wrap my head around that kind of life shift. The ability to sleep in as I please, drink myself into a happy tanking coma, and gorge myself with delicious food on a random patio somewhere will always take precedence. I may regret this decision when I'm 90 and drooling all over myself, but I can't imagine my imaginary daughter would appreciate me by that point.
Hi. My name is Two Face. I've never been in this thread before, but I am officially bored at work. On a side note I'm toying with idea of getting a BRZ or FR-S.
Welcome to the dark side two face! I don't know what kind of cars those are but I'm sure they're super fast and shiny. I love your dress btw, super cute. Pink really is your color.
Join the Dark Side!
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We have cupcakes :3
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Myrridias come be the Blue Ranger, I tried to recruit Rika and Wilhell as the Pink and Green Rangers but they autodeclined my circle invite and now I am a sad and lonely Red Ranger.
Sure, as long as it doesn't devolve into porn
Havent you watched AKS' Make me a Mare?
You can google Make me a mare, first result ;)
It's crap like this that makes people into furries ><