New X-men movie was great. Holiday cookouts are fun. yadda yadda
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New X-men movie was great. Holiday cookouts are fun. yadda yadda
Tinder is a sweet app
Nah, that's just if you stop at Zen's house :)
Artex's visit left the herpes.
Speaking of herpes.. It used to be my main character's name in every RPoG i played atarting with i believe secret of mana..
Herpes, Syphillis, Gonores, and other various vd name..
Things like "Its ok, I got Garnet", turns into stuff " I got Syphillis!".. Or "Herpes, Gonorea, you're with me!"
All. The. Laughters. Its probanly oen of the reasons FF7 wasnt that memorable. Syphillis died. Sephiroth got owned by herpes, Clhamedya, Cancer..
Kheo bro, you're a weird dude.
I always used Link as my character's name.
Because he's the hero... not Zelda as some get confused.
Secret of Mana was awesome.
Ever since I've watched the wire, every single character (or at least one of them if i had a few) has been McNulty
Prezbo could like... I don't know.. play Wizards 101? Lead a guild... of wizarding children?
you HAD to didnt you? ;)
heh awesome.
when ya gonna play some Wildstar with us Kheo?
Zen: Official recruiting officer for wildstar who specializes on stealing from inside the guild
Zen; the only selling points of that game to me are : 1) my most fav bro ever is playing it(thats you), 2) chubawhatevercritterraceitis, but you guys arent playing the good factoon, so until #2 happens, nope, not a chance.
On a random note, Adamant litterally cried of laughing that BOO-ts joke at work. It was AWESOME!
I'm merely enticing people to give the new game a shot.
Kheo, am I not a selling point to Wildstar? What about Victor? You should try it out, it's a lot of fun hearing about people stealing other people's flowers from their gardens. It's even more fun to go inside Degru's house and watch his bed!
I feel the need to get this thread going again. We have so many new Wildstar peeps that haven't even seen it! So, how is everyone's post Independence Day / Canada Day work week going?
Wwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllll ddddddddddddddddsssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttt taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
LOL Wildstar has taken over my life recently...but at least I'm 50! I feel like my house is such a time suck but I can't help it! I go there thinking I'll farm real quick and log off, instead I'm still on an hour later because I've visited all my neighbors to do their challenges and creep around their houses.
I'm a bar from level 21. So, so far behind. The sadness is palpable.
I hope you're taking care of my Victor. Fulfilling his every wish and desire... as I did.
With regards,
Twilight, a girl's dilemma between necrophilia or beastiality.
I am doing my best but there is so much that I am not able to offer that you can. We do visit your housing plot to use your bed since we know you have the camera pointed at it. We wanted to make you memories you can keep forever. Hope to see you there soon.
With a tinge of 50 Shades of Grey.
I've been enjoying the videos in my spare alone time. Thank you.
Zen, are you done moving? We miss you. You should come play with us! We're 50 now! We did dailies with Dirk yesterday, it was fun to watch his bots agro groups he couldn't handle and then he died. Almost as funny as watching him try my Lopp party for the first time. You're missing out on the awesome houses we have now. Lent has a scary bunny and my box garden has grown.
Amber you'd be proud of me. I've got like 12 things for my house from dailies - so I'll be updating this weekend. I'll invite you over for some decorating help.
On a side note - I got my genesis key this morning.
What?! I went to your house last night in hopes of it looking better. I saw your sumo wrestling bear which was a little strange. I'm looking forward to better things! They better be challenges since that's what makes visiting fun, so I can win things. I can't believe you have your key already! OMG, you need a different job that has you working normal hours so you can play with the cool people (me) and be slowed down by us.
I literally did 2 Vet adventures Monday night and then dailies last night and this morning and that was enough.
Nah, we close on the house on the 31st of this month and will probably be a week or two after of settling in. I'll be hopping on Wildstar or FFXIV, not sure which, when I get back.
E's house needs some TLC. Give amber deco priviledges
No scrubs allowed
That's my jam!! I will totes decorate your house. I really need Degru to log in and give me roommate status because his bedroom still gives me the creeps.
TLC jams 4 lyfe