I don't think it was your hand I was holding last night...
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I don't think it was your hand I was holding last night...
HAHAHAHA I so want to put up screen shots of you sitting in Victor's lap. Funniest and Cutest thing I've seen in this game so far :)
Please Amber, I am at work and I need entertaining..
also Special Mention to #10. and 12.
What kinds of shenanigans are going on in here?
hah awesome Kheo
Hi nutnut!! And I want to see the screenshot :D
Lol, you guys have been my entertainment all morning. :)
You'll have to wait until I get home :( I don't carry them around in my pocket! Hi McNutty! I think we're trying to go for a record with the longest forum thread in our FC. I am soooo pumped about tonight. I wish I had a fun story like Zen to amp everyone up. We should all think of something that is TMI to get us to push through :)
I learned long ago that funny stories serve as amazing motivation to get stuff done. Sadly/Luckily, I have many embarrassing stories to share. Make sure you guys check out our Raid thread for info on positioning for Turn 2. We have to get the rot rotation down. That's the biggest hurdle there for ranged. The tanks and Lent will need to watch out for his normal aoe plus a new one that is in a Pacman kinda shape.
Attachment 1249
check this out, my coworker bought it for 50 bucks in NYC
True authentic garbage handpicked and then sealed LOL
apparently they're really popular?
And Zen I havent really looked at that map, nor Do i plan to
I go in blind or I don't go in at all
LOL dirk...$50 really? I wonder how much someone would pay for my garbage bag? I have lots of motivation for you guys :D
I'd pay 3.50
Really? Thats all?
Id pay $50 for a Zen in a sealed box.
But for garbage? nah!
For Miana's garbage sealed in a box : between $5 and $10 depending on the diversity and if there is a seal of authenticity on it!
Nobody knows the Loch Ness Monster 3.50 joke? I'm ashamed to call you friends now.
Why pay for what I can get for free? I'll just tell Lent to leave you on the curb and swing by before the garbage truck.
I would have known had you said tree fiddy! :P And hey! I am recycled goods here..
I didnt know garbage could be that awesome.
Zen! Amber! Aelya! Degru! Quick! Everyone in the trash bag!
I'm already waist high in it with everything I say during a day and you know it!!!
Good thing the weekend is upon us then!!
YAY! So excited for the weekend. I would pay a thousand dollars for your garbage Miana, just so I can roll around in it naked. Ooo, but Zen in a box would be pretty cool. I would like to borrow Zen and keep him under my desk at work so I can poke his cute lil tummy all day long.
Zen in a box is my idea! But you can have him, as long as you provide the shoes to keep him chewing.. or he can chew on Miana's garbage.. best of both worlds!!
Now, to photoshop, so I can conceptualise Amber rolling around naked in Miana's garbage!!
I could code a 3D representation of the scene if you can provide 3D models in 4K, because other resolution would be *garbage*
LOL oh boy. Thanks Amber ;) I feel my trash is worthy of large amounts of moola. I'm excited for the weekend too, so I can sleep and rest my man voice.
Moar resolutttttttttion!!
EDIT :: image was too small.. up-res'd it with advanced scaling techniques only used in videogames!
Attachment 1252
Haha that's awesome Kheo!
I'm trying to picture me in a box under Amber's desk... but I don't see her keeping me there to poke my tummy.
I can dig the pairing of my fresh awesomeness in a box combined with Miana's funky fruitiness in a bag though. Together we could take the market by storm!
Attachment 1253
Hope this helps!!
Now with more Zen inside the box
Attachment 1254
I don't like my box. It's cold, dark, lonely, and it smells funny when Amber takes her shoes off.
PS don't forget Miana's trash bag!
LOL this is amazing.
Zen I'm keeping you company!
You are keeping me company, much better company than the crazy person I'm on the phone with wishing he would leave me alone.
Your trash bag should be under the desk too. Lord knows if they put us both in the box my little lala head would pop off.
Um... is Miana in pieces?
its her garbage... no her in garbage..!
Also .. if we're going down that lane with Miana in pieces.. we're on the edge of bad jokes PG18... that will happen in mumble only.. :P
No no no, it's cool. I'm not wanting pieces of Miana either, that's too much for me as well!
Thank you for the glowy green box! It's so pretty. Will it flash with music so I have my own little rave space where we can party under the table?
Yes yes! its very possible. But it'll cost more! its an option!
How much more are we talking here? I'm an adventurer and have alot of repair costs due to crappy tanks letting me pull aggro....
well at least you have a good healer to support you
it depends, if by crappy tank you the White One, well I heard he said that your repair cost has just gone up because the hate will not be taken back ever again from you.
as for the price going up, id say, a 2HJ should be enough.