There is an error with your image Zen. It's not a picture of my character
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There is an error with your image Zen. It's not a picture of my character
Puh-lease! Have you met me? I'm the cutest healer (person) you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting. :)
Lmao Nith
Aelya: It could be better with you in it, but you're not on now!
Ambie: You abandoned us, thus you don't count. I have to level this white mage now to replace you. I just started yesterday and I've never healed anything. Ever. Now I'm the master of Sastasha. Zero wipes, no deaths, and I beat the tank in dps while healing.
Zen ragging on Amber for "abandonment" is like me calling Miana a noob then getting hit by Titan's landslide
Haha so.... business as usual Dirk?
LOL I was thinking it's more like you calling people noobs for dying to Behemoth's "ARRRGGHH" then dying yourself because you didn't hide.
What can I say, I'm a baddie.
I just hope you guys can keep carrying me through :)
Ill carry you to the end of the world..
Or Titan's platform.. whichever comes first.
on a side note : tableflip incoming.
Someone showed me this at work today and I couldn't stop laughing
Sad Cat Diaries. My wife found this sometime last night. I've watched it about 5 times and still laugh at it.
Came into work at 8:00am yesterday... left after 16 hours due to virus running rampant through network. Back at desk, running solely off precious coffee grounds. What do?
Sorry Justy. Kat kept saying she was trying to check in on ya yesterday but I never really caught what was going on, just that you weren't home yet. Glad you're ok and hanging in there though it's only by the coffee god's magnificent ambrosia.
I'm drinking Folgers, which is only coffee in the most marginal sense. Strangely giddy though. Possibly need Chick-fil-a nuggets. How's it hanging, Zen?
Mmmm yeah. Would have loved a Chick-fil-a Cajun biscuit this morning with pepper jack cheese. It's hangin man. Snow and Ice down here in South Alabama is pretty crazy. Alot of business and roads closed Tuesday at noon and are still closed today. I've been out with bronchitis but back at it today. Luckily I only live 15 minutes from the office anyhow.
First forays in Coil as tank this week have been a learning experience. Nothing too horrible yet. We all seemed to have caught alot of lag and had issues with silences and aoes. I'm also not used to the pally silence. It's way slower than bard's, but I'm getting the hang of it. Thanks for letting me borrow your wife a few nights btw. She's every bit as awesome as you say. - Check out the "Spinouts..." video. This was how it was on my drive in today. Last night news told us we'd get 3 inches of snow, no big deal right cause we're in MN...except we start going to work and it's already poured down 5 inches with 3-5 more expected by noon. Ya, no plows at all because they wait until it slows down - stupid MN and the snow. Poor Justy :( My day started with a 2.5 hour drive and will end with probably the same, but at least I don't have to deal with those STDs you're dealing with. Mama always said wrap it up or keep it in your pants.
Kat has said recently that she would like a wife, so she may be sizing you up for appropriate wife material. Just take it all in stride. As to Coil tanking, as long as Spirit's Within is an easily accessible button, you should be fine. Beyond that, work on your footwork for the ADS spheres, and you'll be gnawing on Twintania's toes in no time.
My foray into healing has actually turned out better than I thought it would. I'm enjoying it a bit as so far, I've been able to do a nifty bit of dps while keeping people alive. Now, the highest level dungeon I've done this on was 1000 Maws but it went well. The only death so far was Dirk's pet rat we had tanking in Halatali and that was only because I prioritized Dirk's life over the rat.
I think I should be at or above Amber's skill level in the next week and able to replace her in flight #7.
LOL Zen will never match my skill level I'm not worried. He worked so hard and promoted his tanking skills too and couldn't even get the interrupts down (even though he did pretty much the same thing as a bard)... Wait until he hits 35 - 45 when he actually has to care about his mana and not spam healing :)
I thought it was going well too ZEN w/ the heals & DPS, then Brayflox hits you like a truck with reality and you realize ppl haven't upgraded gear in forever and your tank is losing HP in massive chunks!
Or you go to DD like last night with 2 DRGs & a Pally and everyone is constantly getting hit by every cleave/poison/all the things!!!
In other words -- heed Amber's words!
I'd like to propose a new badge for the forums
It will be the "I survived Degru's yelling in Mumble"
It was a rough night, but I'm glad we survived!
What happens in th US when there is a little ice on the ground
Thanks Adamant
That's basically true.
It's Friday, and there is no conclusive proof that I've murdered anyone. So I have that going for me.
I have photos that could ruin your day then.
Send a large box of Mambas fruit candy and these may disappear.
Don't send them and... well, just send them.
Zen gave me his rot irl :'(
They're my fav candies Justy.
If only it was the hug.... Slighty on topic, has anyone been watching the new show on Sci-Fi called Helix. I think it's 3 or 4 episodes in and I've been watching. Not bad so far. Lots of questions to answer. Anyways, the disease that's getting around is passed from the carrier to the victim by the carrier vomiting black blood until the victim's mouth. Just fyi.
What you and Miana do in your free time is totally up to you; however, there may be other activities beyond black blood swapping that could be mutually stimulating. Might I suggest the following:
Or, similarly, this.
I have less than a dozen orders today. Buy more books, people.
Where do you sell books from B'elle?
The office ordered Fish and Chips today for our friday staff lunch. I said we shouldnt do that and complained that the fish gets soggy from the time someone picks it up and brings it back.
I can totally see everyone going down the line agreeing on it and making their orders... then they get to Dirk and he just says "F*&( that shit."