That's not a bad idea.
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It is a bad idea! I was given a mini Keurig for Christmas, and my stomach and sleep patterns kind of hate me now. It's way too easy and delicious for my own good.
...But if you're going to barricade yourself, make sure you have a water supply since the smallest mini doesn't have a water reservoir. A very full Brita pitcher should do until lunch.
I really only drink about two cups a day. Having something like this would just make life a little easier. I'd actually like one at home, since I live alone. I currently am doing a pour-over method, which requires boiling of water in a kettle, then manually pouring the hot water over coffee grounds in a holder thingy. It was fun the first couple times, but now I just want my damned coffee.
I have a keurig and it's amazzzzzing! I love making hot chocolate with it (with marshmellows of course).
Amber - YAY! I'm waiting to find out what we are doing tonight..but I will be online eventually..and drunk.
I totes have a Keurig too and it's AMAZEBALLS. Who wants all that mess with grounds and having all that extra coffee sitting around burning on the plate etc. when you can have a fresh hot cup every time. I don't drink much either so it's such a waste when I want a cup of decaf to have to make a pot. Plus it has the delicious flavors and teas too.
YAY Miana - Super YAY Drunk Miana! Let's meet up and go to Gridania plot 28 to take some nudie photos and post them on the Housing Plot thread. RJO is going to put the best sales pitches at the top, I am totes working on the best one so ours is seen by everyone and it gets voted! Waterfall Hot tub parties on the rooftop!!!
Note to self - find place to hide near plot 28.
I don't live alone, but I am the only coffee drinker, and the keurig is definitely the easiest, cleanest way to make good coffee for one. Sadly, this has bumped me up from 1-2 cups a day to 3 minimum. As much as I hate to admit it, I may need to embrace the decaf.
A shot of alcohol..not coffee/tea ;)
If anyone wants to spend NYE with me I'll be in game probably! Hopefully I'll be off work soon and I can drive through this snow and make it home before sunset.
fucking 78 pages long...
Let's see 774 posts including this one, times 5k... this thread should owe the guild bank 3 million and 870k in post taxes.
Ishata sent me a nice pics of his parents' place this morning :
Attachment 1294
Oh my... I think his thermostat is upside down.
I'm going to finish my black mage..Where's Mia @. She needs to teach me how to play it
Which will be the following:
step into red circles
step into lasers
step 3..die
step a noob
step 5..don't pick up oil
step 6..get high and eat everyones HQ food
Step 7. Be verbally abused by Dirk McNutty and cry yourself to sleep.
i miss you too
HAHAHA <3 all of you and your awesomeness.
Adamant, my car refused to start this morning.
-32 pre"wind factor."
Its totally amazing, even the dogs are like : hell no. Oh hell no. Can we poop inside plllleeeaaassseeeee?
Aww Kheo do you have little doggie sweaters for them? If not, I'm pretty sure Miana and Amber will help you find some.
Let them poop inside you jerk!! It's good to poop where you're not supposed to builds character.
it's frozen rain here. I drove to work sideways pretty much
Sophie LOVES the snow and cold. She's goes outside and sits down and looks at me like "aren't you coming?" It's been too cold here and I actually have to park outside (ugh, so used to garages and underground parking) that my car battery froze on New Year's Eve. I had to get someone to jump it because it wouldn't start! But hey, we're up to -2f today (-15 with windchill) so doesn't that mean it's almost summer? At least I have Miami 1st week of February and Naples 1st week of March so that will help.
3rd time this year that they predicted a winter storm for us that totally wasn't a winter storm - made me happy.
On the bright side - Miana feel free to yell today, I'm completely over the hang over!!
Where are you, E? And ok I will scream at you tonight :)
Kansas City - as it says under my pretty face to the left.
That is definitely a pretty face lol!
Snow day, bitches! :)
At work. Fixin things. Talkin to peeps. Forgot my lunch at home *sadface*
:( I wish I had a snow day. At least it's Friday and I get a delicious Whole Foods salad with my yummy tofu for dinner OMG so tasty!
What's snow?