Nooo don't quit me Miana!!!!
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Nooo don't quit me Miana!!!!
I wish I could quit yooooouuuu...
I just can't quit you...
I'm sure that's a song but I don't know it so I can't help you sing it.
Ugh, today blows already. Woke up with a headache and can't seem to shake the grogginess. If someone was standing over my shoulder at work, watching me try to type, they'd probably fire me right now.
/ac Leeches Zen
Thanks Zedd, you're a true bro!
Just make sure you don't let your boss see you with those leeches on.. that would be an akward conversation :p
Attachment 1248
Since you put in the t-rex
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Unicorn!! >\ >
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holy crap that didnt work
my Unicorn was smashed :holycrap:
Lol, I saw that and thought I was seeing something wrong because it looked more like a rabbit to me.
HAHAHA see it doesn't look the same if you do it here! Zen's t-rex looked like computer code, not a dinosaur! Poor Zen, sorry you're not feeling well. Sounds like a marshmallow brownie hangover to me. I'd check with your wife to see if she added anything special :P
Mmm good call. I'll accuse her of trying to poison me shortly. Also, still trying to convince her to check the game out sometime. If you ever see my character running off cliffs or into fireballs it'll probably be her.
Lol. Get her on mumble with us. I drive all the ladies wild with my manly voice she'll want to play every day :)
I think she has a hard time believing females play online games haha. She heard you guys talking a couple weeks ago and thought I was chatting it up with some online hotties.... oh how wrong she was. I had to explain it was dudes with voice changers and broke her heart.
Hey, we're still hotties. Just hot dudes!
Yeah we are!
Speak for yourself...I'm a dude AND a hottie.
We're here. Tell her to come and see me sometime ^_~Quote:
I think she has a hard time believing females play online games haha. She heard you guys talking a couple weeks ago and thought I was chatting it up with some online hotties.... oh how wrong she was. I had to explain it was dudes with voice changers and broke her heart.
no no no no no, hands off my woman Kate!
Zen - it seems like you never sleep or work... Are you a robot?
Have you ever seen the movie Astro Boy? It's basically my autobiography so whatevs.
Plus they call me The Machine at work because apparently I'm the only one that can get stuff done on time.
Are you Bezerko-Artex? Do you do all your work from the toilet and troll forums at your desk?
More importantly Zen...can you DO the robot?
I have never done a robot but I'm always up to try.
I meant the dance you weirdo.
LOL Thank you Zen - that was awesome. You know, a vacuum cleaner is KINDA like a robot... I've said it before and I'll say it again you should give it a try. It's the perfect size and shape for a man...
I'm pretty sure that if Amber was a dude IRL we would constantly hear vacuums going off in the background on mumble.
Of course I'll dance with you Miana.
Maybe the perfect size for some men. Not this man. Plus, it'd have to be able to talk. I can't have some lifeless shebot.
<3 Zen
What if the lifeless shebot made you sammiches?
Then she wouldn't be lifeless would she? But it has to be a club sammich. Those are my favs.
HAHA Miana - that is so true. Zen wants a version of the Fembot from Austin Powers. He likes his women hot and deadly.
You should try the brand new Club shoemich!!
Amber those chicks were hot with their fuzzy bras!
Kheo!!! Yay the whitest giant I've ever seen naked! <3
Yeah, I'll take a hot robochick with a fuzzy brazzier.
Kheo, my albino!
Kheo - Dude you are SO white. Like... SO white.
I would love my new nickname to be "Fifty shades of White".
Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana!(Ã* la Chaaaaaaaaarrrrrrlie)
Ambeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!(Ã* la Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana)
Zen!(Ã* la normal mode).
50 Shields of White imo
I can be whatever you want Zen, as long as you hold my hand.