I hope this turns out to be true for you because Wildstar took this mechanic and used it way too much on boss fights and it was just annoying as hell.
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Been playing on the Russian server last week or so. If anyone played Tera BnS just took what was awesome about Tera and went tothe next level.
So far its not like wildstar witch took Tera and went backwards on alot of battle systems Ehos. Thisd game has a combo system built in so member and each group work together. Take my friend who is a destoyer he can pick up ppl and whilethey are in his hand as a Ku fu matser I can do "Body kick" to the picked up person/mob. I can only do body kick while a person is in that move.
here is my toon.
Attachment 1815
Attachment 1816
yeah, the russian servers are quite out of date, but i feel like the ping to those are better than taiwan. in any event, the game is a good game to waiting for me in the wings when i need a quick break from FFXIV, but it is certainly not or will become my main focus. so i can live with some out of date content to what is live :)
if anyone hasn't gotten a beta code yet you can download curse voice hit the top button and get a free one weekend code for the next closed beta coming up. this code been used already just a screen shot for example.
I know the RU servers are 2 years behind our version but it was something to try out and see if I want to throw money at eng version. I will play BnS eng when it comes out. This game is very fun with the limited verson the Ru have.
Did they remove it? I just Dl'ed it and don't see the BnS banner at top.
remove what?
banner still there did you registerthe curse voice?
just checked again and the banner is there now, but all of the codes have been taken. Oh well, maybe I'll get in on the closed beta that starts on the 30th.
beta clinet for this wekend y'all
Founder's pack folks will get to start Beta one day early, tomorrow the 29th 10CST.
Thx for the Info Kitty! Now downloading the client.
who is ready I got my guy ready to go.
i laughed a little too hard at his reactions.
well tried destroyer pvp at level 20 and got this for the results
Release date announced. 1/19 with a 1/15 headstart. This still happening here? BDO is looking to be a few months out after this at best, so looking to settle in with this for a bit. That said, MAJOR concerns about the community which appears, at first glance, to be immature AS HELL and I can't stand listening to it. I need a clan I can reliably hide away in for groups and chat or I might just skip it altogether.
I played for a couple hours over the weekend. It wasn't enough of a sample for me to make a decision on it, but I didn't really see anything that made me hate or love it. I'll probably try it a bit again on next beta phase.
I only got to about lvl 7 or so, so didn't see a ton. Same boat though, wasn't in love with it, but it wasn't bad/was somewhat entertaining and I heard some of the later stuff is pretty interesting. Been putting off doing any of the founders packs until I can decide what I'm going to do though. Personally, some of the stuff in BDO looks more interesting (castle sieges, open world, etc) but that still feels a ways off (no earlier than maybe May 2016 for release, probably late march for beta)
Edit: After playing a bit more, and dealing with the community that's flooded this game, yeah I'm out. I'm backing Black Desert at the moment which is looking to be way less linear
Game client is now up for download and is different than the cbt launcher.
http://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/launch-guide/ this link has the new client download.
also wandering what server people are going to be picking.
Looks interesting. Might have to waste a weekend in it after launch.
So um yeah Blade and Soul apparently uses this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GameGuard , apparently its an anti cheating tool though it works like a rootkit in some ways and can cause some issues with regular computer functions while running like plugging in mice or headsets. I still plan on checking this game out I just figured I'd let you guys know about.
I'll be buzzing around casually - I'm thinking Old Man Cho server, easiest to remember and pronounce :3.
By the way Kitty since you've played in the beta I was wondering did you have a negative impacts from gameguad while running the game. or was it mostly a not to intrusive expirence. I'm just trying to find some non biasied or super heated opinons on it since most of the internet seems to think it has to die in a fire and I'm sure if its that's how it really is or if people are just overreacting.
I never had any issues during my days of AION beta and Rift (both used nprotect) Though NCSoft actually dropped nprotect for the launch of AION. From what I recall, very few people actually had any issues with the protect though the ones that did had serious issues. Most of the time it was one of 3 things. Either people opening multiple games that had some sort of anti-cheat software attached to it, a corrupted file (possibly an intrusive non related virus on the PC), or where trying to load up a cheat program.
Ah glad to hear the problems are very rare and minimal. Through reading I've learned I have to keep MSI afterburner off at least in the day it needed to because for some reason the onscreen display from it that tells your gpu/cpu temps etc triggers it and sometimes the mumble overlay i think. Thanks for letting me know your experiences btw, I'm looking forward to checking the game out on the 19th after getting though the login queues =P
Yuh same here - no problems with Gameguard. Game worked as expected, in all its buttery kung fu glory.
Reminder, Head Start (founder's pack purchases) begins January 15 at 10am PST / 7pm CET for both NA and EU servers. That's tomorrow~!
It begins..
Oh - My - GOD! Please tell me this is not the character - That looks SO creepy!
LOL oh god that is a scary looking Cloud character Kitty. I'm stuck waiting untill monday to play though I might get a 30day premium subscription if I'm gonna be locked out of some things otherwise just so I can give the game a full fair test.
Stroof learning to fly with grace and wonder:
Dear god that face is just creepy also /jelly of you in headstart. So out of curiosity does the game seem to be more GPU dependent or more so on the CPU?
im playing kfm named immortal technique on Jiwan
also we can add each other on friends list cross server btw we can't do open world pvp together or world bosses but we can que up together for dungeons or spar in arena.
Ah cool thanks for letting me know Coma I should have no problem then on the higher settings at 1080p on my 760.
So after trying to bring up the loot system on BladeandSoul Dojo I have to say I'm very worried about this game becoming pay to win(according to another topic on their forums there apparently will be a way to buy gold via Ncoin once the economy has 'stabalized'), everyone there seems to think the auction for loot after each boss is an amazing thing and is somehow more fair than everyone having an equal chance to win the item in the need/greed system. Even though the losers split the money it just seems so easy that rich trolls will just block people from getting gear by massively out bidding them for the lulz.
I have seen 3 members in total post about going to (1) Jiwan, (1) Old Man Cho and (1) Poharan.
In an effort to help coordinate us I have created a post here: http://www.aureusknights.com/showthr...ievance-Gaming
Also included in the post is a link to a new #bladeandsoul Slack channel.
I'll be staying on Cho, I have no plans other than some random derping around.