It maybe a game issue, when I try to invite you into my private region I am getting a "Can not do that at this time" error.
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It maybe a game issue, when I try to invite you into my private region I am getting a "Can not do that at this time" error.
Thanks for trying, that could be the problem right there :)
Edit: Someone posted this issue on reddit, so it's not just us.
All these friend requests and I can't accept any of them! And so that means i probably can't get the invite, and so I can't join the region..... Sigh, launch day problems..
Don't worry, invites aren't working and the game is super bugged. I can see the guild region but can't claim my land in it, since the region is private. I can create or join another region, but as soon as I switch and try to play another city, I can't get back to my original city. I can see all the little sims wondering where their mayor went, but can't get back to them. So many other problems too....
Edit: I forgot to mention the biggest issue, that the game keeps crashing without saving any progress, or even that I claimed the land. Basically I haven't been able to play more than 15 minutes at a time in the same city before it is wiped clean and disappears. Can't even get back to the same region.
Heck I'm not even playing in NE 1 at the moment, since this afternoon their was a crash and I couldn't get back in there, so I had to reinstall the game. I'm hanging out on NE 2 right now until the bugs are fixed a bit or I can get back on NE 1.