Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
Originally Posted by
King Nyxus
I like that they are changing the combat system, slow turn based combat was a necessity of the time due to hardware constraints and it is really dated now.
It really kills the pacing when you see all these awesome cutscenes and then when you get into battle everyone is just standing around for 15 seconds until 1 person is allowed to attack, one move at a time.
Purists might want the old version but I like that they are going full action combat with an extra layer of things that happens seamlessly while you are fighting.
I'm actually really bummed that they're changing it to "active" fighting. One of the things I really loved about FF games was the turn-based play, where you could kinda pause, think about what you actually should do, and then go ahead and do it (without worrying that the enemies were still taking pot-shots at you the whole time).
Regardless, I'm excited for this.
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
Super sad hearing about multi release discs/versions. Was considering a PS4 for it but now very underwhelmed.
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
If we were to try to fit everything from the original into one remake installment, we would have to cut various parts and create a condensed version of FINAL FANTASY VII. We knew none of you would have wanted that.
Well I'm not surprised and I'm actually happy that they don't want to water down the game to keep a certain level of quality. Even tho I didn't love all Final Fantasy titles (like most people I presume) I've always felt like the games had some quality to them.
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
Originally Posted by
Super sad hearing about multi release discs/versions. Was considering a PS4 for it but now very underwhelmed.
Yeah its kinda weird for an RPG to be released in stages but they claim this is the biggest project theyve ever done and each installment will be the size of a full game, its not just a FF7 reskin, they are adding to the story and its going to be massive. I guess we will find out in the end if thats BS or not. Releasing a 150 GB game all at once would be a huge gamble, they would have to sell a ton of copes just to break even on dev costs. This way we at least get part 1 a lot sooner than we normally would and they dont have to cut any corners.
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
Plot twist, you got to start from lvl 1 for every parts of the remake. They shall find some interesting reason to do so. :P
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
I'm totally down for paying whatever price they ask for just to see vincent run around and shoot the place up
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
Originally Posted by
I'm totally down for paying whatever price they ask for just to see vincent run around and shoot the place up
Vincent was one of my favorite characters. I'm curious to see how they'll implement his Limit Break in the remake.
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
Short video to refresh your memory on FFVII key elements. Spoilers Alert!
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
4:37 broke my heart again. QQ
Re: New FFVII Remake Trailer
Originally Posted by
4:37 broke my heart again. QQ
Sepheroth was the first video game villain I HATED. Not just saw as an obstacle. Not just, "Oooh this boss is so hard. I hate him!" No. Every time he came on screen I was like, "Stop just standing there listening to him exposition AND LET BE KILL THEBASTARDSODEADEADEADYOUKILLEDAERITHIHATEYOU!!"
I was at an emotional age at the time.